Pediatrics GEO Faculty Handbook

(4) (5)

foster intellectual growth and professional development; promote a healthy, innovative, and productive atmosphere that encourages dialogue and is responsive to concerns


Research University researchers have an ethical obligation to the university and to the larger global community as they seek and produce knowledge. Community members are expected to: (1) propose, conduct, and report research with integrity and honesty; (2) protect people and humanely treat animals involved in research or teaching; (3) learn, follow, and demonstrate accountability for meeting the requirements of sponsors, regulatory bodies, and other applicable entities including the appropriate use of finances; (4) faithfully transmit research findings; (5) protect rights to individual and university intellectual property; (6) ensure originality of work, provide credit for the ideas of others upon which their work is built, and be responsible for the accuracy and fairness of information published; and (7) fairly assign authorship credit on the basis of an appropriate array of significant intellectual contributions, including: conception, design, and performance; analysis and interpretation; and manuscript preparation and critical editing for intellectual content University rule 10-17-05, Policy for investigation of research misconduct, can be found at University rule 10-17-10, Ethical conduct in research involving human subjects, can be found at


Records accuracy

All university records, whether they concern individual employees, the business dealings of the university, student records or research endeavors must be accurate, clear and complete. Examples include accounts, financial reports, tax returns, expense reimbursement requests, employee applications for benefits, time sheets and any other record that is submitted to or generated by the university for the purpose of carrying out its business, including those submitted to government agencies. All entries in university books and records, including departmental accounts and individual expense reports, must accurately reflect each transaction.



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