Hola Sober Sunday

I feel much happier in sobriety. Being happier allows me to look at any adversity more clearly and not allow it to drag me down, pull me into “poor me” , create unnecessary drama, or become part of someone else’s drama. I have a clearer (not foggy, hungover) vision of where and what I want to do. When I do encounter sadness or unexpected life events, I am able to sit in the sadness or anger and feel it without trying to ignore it, cover it up, pretend it isn’t there, or drink at it. In early sobriety, I found the serenity prayer from AA to be meditative, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference." I would say this anytime I felt stress or overwhelmed and it reminded me to stop and look at the situation and what I should or could do about it. Yes, building up resilience for me is a life long learning experience!

Not today lady, not today

M.P.M. Pledge 100 Tara


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