Semantron 21 Summer 2021

The limits of American power

states such as Egypt. While Truman was keen on involvement in the Korean war as it was crucial to Japan’s fate and the balance of power in Asia, he overestimated Stalin’s interests in Korea. Rhee capitalized on this by forcing Truman to attack communist forces above the 38 th parallel, and Eisenhower to uphold the military protection of South Korea after the Korean war had ended. Although the Suez Crisis marked the advent of America’s control over communist threats in the middle east, the Suez Crisis itself exhibited Nass er’s power over America. Both Rhee and Nasser lured America into conflict through which they stood to benefit over America. South Korea and Egypt significantly influenced America’s actions in the cold war from 1947 -57. Hence, America had limited power in directing their own actions in this period of the cold war.


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