Certain combinations of levitation and propulsion methods have arisen due to construction features. Pair 1: LIM + Inductrack, Pair 2: LIM + EDS, Pair 3: LSM + Inductrack, Pair 4: LSM + EDS, Pair 5: LSM + EMS (EMS cannot be used with LIM). After conducting my research, the pairs can be arranged in a priority list. Of course, it doesn’t include exact numbers, but is an estimation based on the information I have found. As long as hyperloop remains active for some time, Pair 3 will repay its higher cost of construction.
Purchase and Construction
Pair 1: LIM + Inductrack
Pair 3: LSM + Inductrack
Pair 3: LSM + Inductrack
Pair 1: LIM + Inductrack
Pair 5: LSM + EMS
Pair 4: LSM + EDS
Pair 2: LIM + EDS
Pair 2: LIM + EDS
Pair 4: LSM + EDS
Pair 5: LSM + EMS
As my research has shown, Pair 1 and Pair 3 are the best options for application in hyperloop. Some huge companies, like Virgin Hyperloop and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies have picked Pair 1, although Pair 3 is also viable. I believe that this extraordinary mean of transportation has a bright future, and I will continue researching the new developments in this area.
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