Battery electric vehicles and climate change
food preparation, supply and transport, or to technically collect and dispose existing equipment without creating spikes in HFC emission.
As a framework, then, it would seem that our rulebook, derived from the BEV case study, succeeds in providing a mutually exclusive, but collectively exhaustive, set of considerations for any technological solution to succeed. On the one hand, this rulebook simplifies the ordering and bucketing for planning; on the other hand, it highlights the complicated and interdepen dent elements required for success. It’s clear that progress in any arena will be demanding, and that together the full set of progress required will present perhaps the greatest sustained challenge that the human race has ever faced. Given this, the five rules perhaps still depend on, but risk skipping over, one underlying principle that remains as a fundamental requirement for success: the need for a sustained, collective will to overcome, driven by recognition of the fragility of our world, and an acceptance that the denial of science can only have catastrophic consequences. As the world gathers itself for its greatest challenge over the next ten to twenty years, it is possible that the current immediate crisis of Covid19 will bring, despite human tragedy and economic meltdowns, some silver-lining benefits that enable fundamental long-term shift in individual, business and government behaviour by exposing, as it has, the interconnectedness of our society, and frailty of human health and economies when pitted against natural forces. If so, this rulebook will not only remain right, but can be applied with energy and purpose to an ever accelerating development of technological solutions to help safeguard the world’s future.
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