Semantron 21 Summer 2021


minor’ (BWV871) ; see Figure 2 where the purple highlighting showcases the structure. This structure is known today as ‘Sonata’ form – a structure defined in the Classical period (1730 to 1800). 12

Figure 2: Bach’s ‘Fugue in C minor’ (BWV871).

It is clear that Bach tended to stick to a strict and consistent structure throughout the majority of his fugues.

In contrast, Handel seems to be much freer in his approach to structure, always including the Exposition and Development sections but only sometimes including a Recapitulation and/or coda. One good example of this is Handel’s ‘Fugue in E major’ (HWV612) ; see Figure 3, where Handel ends the

Figure 3: The coda at the end of Handel’s ‘Fugue in E major’ (HWV612)

12 Webster, J., 2001. Sonata Form . [online] Grove Music Online. Available at: < 9781561592630-e-0000026197?rskey=syfKZn&result=1> [Accessed 18 August 2020].


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