Semantron 21 Summer 2021

The aims of the NHS

Evidently, the graph below (figure 4) highlights the detrimental impact of Wakefield’s research on vaccination rates and the tough situation the government was left in. However, after a decline to a low of 79.9% in 2003/4, vaccination rates began to pick up. One could link this to the Hib/MenC and PCV booster vaccines and the first dose of MMR vaccine being given together, as well as the launch of numerous campaigns, not forgetting the catch-up programmes. However, throughout the whole duration, NHS England has not been able to meet the 95% target, with several cases 30 of measles in the UK exacerbating the issue.

Figure 4 National Coverage of MMR1 at 24 months

Vaccinations can be seen as a major success, which have helped to dramatically reduce the threat of dangerous diseases to the population. However, more recently, the rise in the anti-vaccine movement and activists has fueled a fundamental issue: the government has found it incredibly difficult to reach the WHO target of 95% and

could explain the inconclusiveness of primary research here on the government’s role in regards to vaccinations. Taking action against Wakefield was the first step, but there is an ongoing struggle to convince many parents that vaccines a re safe and key in the ‘prevention of illness’. The case against MMR is just an example of anti-vaccine activism; this applies for other vaccines. Recently, the Health Secretary announced that compulsory vaccinations 31 would not be ruled out, in response to the rising number of measles cases, which were 991 in 2018. Social media has a huge role in spreading false information and deep concerns in parents. Therefore, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called on social media companies to play their role in the fight against anti-vaccine content. 32 Privatization This has been an increasingly topical issue since the millennium, as there is speculation about the fate of our NHS and the consequences that privatization may have on healthcare in the UK and the corresponding effect on Aim II. Before scrutinizing the role of the government, a definition : ‘Privati zation is where non-government bodies become increasingly involved in the financing or provision of health care services .’ 33 A common misconception is that the NHS is not privatized currently and is fully run by the government. This misconception must be addressed: 7.3% 34 of the total NHS budget is spent on private providers. Discussion is often about how much more vulnerable the NHS is to further privatization. The combination of the roles of different governments has all played a decisive role in reaching the 7.3%

30 Roberts, 2019. 31 Mohdin, 2019. 32 Roberts, 2019. 33 World Health Organization, 1997. 34 The King's Fund, 2019.


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