The Alleynian 706 2018



A lleynians past and present can be proud of Dulwich College’s 2017/2018 rugby season. Headlines and conversations have been dominated by the outstanding success of the 1st XV in winning the Champions Trophy, becoming the first school to win both it and the NatWest Schools Cup. There is, of course, much more to celebrate, with over 40 teams representing the College in over 370 fixtures this year, and the ledger very slightly in our favour across the board. The Lower School teams have developed under the keen eyes of Mr Davies (U12) and Mr Walsh (U13) bringing rugby’s core values and skills to the fore. Mr Davies’ team of coaches have yet again given the boys a firm grounding in the game and we look forward to seeing their progress. Mr Walsh’s knowledge and passion produced a team capable of competing with the best sides on the U13 fixture card. Unbeaten seasons for Mr Shirazi’s C team and Mr King’s D team highlight the depth of coaching and playing resources. The step up in quality and intensity of rugby for our boys as they start their Middle School career can be daunting, but the lessons learned bear fruit as the boys enter the U15 and

U16 age groups. Mr Quayle and his coaching team displayed tireless enthusiasm and dedication despite results not always going their way. Following a successful pre-season tour (see trips). Mr Thomas’ leadership of the U15s was exceptional, developing the boys’ passion and skills-set, and enabling them to play exciting, high-tempo rugby. Mr Allen’s sterling efforts with the U16s also gave a few exceptionally talented boys the opportunity to springboard themselves into contention for the 1st XV. With Mr Read’s hand on the tiller of the 5th XV, an away win against Wellington was a major highlight. Mr Middleton’s 3rd XV produced a remarkable run of victories, which will live long in the memory, and they finished the season unbeaten. Mr Burdekin’s 2nd XV suffered just three incredibly narrow defeats, providing food for thought and stiff competition for those above them, all season long. This year’s 1st XV epitomises all that we cherish about Dulwich Rugby. They have demonstrated relentless effort, and a tough and uncompromising attitude in tight exchanges, with the ability to move the ball to space and score breathtakingly good tries from set piece and open play.


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