Staff editor Jo Akrill
alleynian the No.706
Staff team Ella Davison Charlotte Judet
Y ou are unlikely to find a more diverse, wide-reaching issue of The Alleynian than this, the 706th edition. This, in no small part, is due to the nature of this year’s theme: ‘Conflict and Resolution’. We have each experienced the former at some point in our lives, and we each strive for the latter wherever possible. Speaking at the Upper School Symposium, Professor Barry Smith proclaimed that ‘we are living in an age of uncertainty’, alluding in part to the numerous on-going conflicts which bombard us wherever we look. Every edition of the News at Ten seems to feature a windswept correspondent shouting over gunfire from some far-off, war-torn desert, whilst here in Britain we appear to be a nation divided, much like our trans-Atlantic neighbours. In reality, small-scale conflict is all many of us have ever known at first hand. This issue features both a personal account of war in Iraq and a proposition for resolving everyday problems in the Wodehouse Library, with many more articles in between, all under the umbrella heading of ‘Conflict and Resolution’. One of the first decisions Ms Akrill and I took when producing this year’s Alleynian was to expand our team of editors and contributors to include boys from every year-group of the College, a move which has produced an all-encompassing edition appropriate for our theme. We felt strongly that The Alleynian ought to offer a platform for as many boys as possible to voice their opinions, and we hope that this is reflected in the subsequent pages. The introduction to last year’s edition referred to ‘a world on the brink of revolution’. Resolution, rather than revolution, is the crux of this issue. There is more than enough conflict in the world and not nearly enough effort to abate it. The onus must be on each one of us to resolve whatever unsavoury matters the world sends our way. Don’t just read the next 160 pages; be inspired by them!
Student editors Ammar Al-Kahachi Joe Atkinson Sam Schulenburg Kerem Tezcan Arjaan Miah Jai Singh Yao
Staff section editors Art: Robert Mills Drama: Kathryn Norton-Smith Music: Clare Cousens Sport: Phil Greenaway OA: Joanne Whaley, Trevor Llewelyn Photography The Alleynian features photographs by boys, staff and professional photographers. We would like to thank all those whose photographs appear in this edition Drama photography by Maggie Jarman, Fred Robb (Year 11), Nobby Clark, Ben Carpenter
Valete photographs by Maggie Jarman Cover image, ‘Nature transformed’,
by Kush Newatia Design and layout Nicholas Wood Proofreader Frances Button
Printing Cantate
With thanks to Joseph Spence, Simon Yiend, Jane Scott, Rory Fisher, Paul Fletcher, Helen Stein, Calista Lucy, Robert Totterdell, Nina Pittas, Deborah Field, and all our contributors, whose patience, dedication and sense of humour have been much appreciated by the editorial team
Joseph Giles on behalf of the editorial team
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