King's business - 1942-03


TH B K I B C r S B U I I N B 1 I

March, 1942

Outline and Exposition 1

T he C haracter of F alse L eaders (37-41) W HILE the Lord >Jesus was rupted and invited Him to a meal. Perhaps the invitation was given to .cut short a speech that threatened to come too close to the Pharisee’s own condition, but Jesus at once accepted. Our Lord Would give this Pharisee the teaching he needed, if perchance' he might be won for righteousness and truth. That the Pharisee had no real friendliness toward Jesus is seen in the way his Guest was treated. At that time, it was customary to offer water to a guest in order that the feet, unprotected from the grime of the road, might be cleansed and re­ freshed before the person should re­ cline at table. In this instance, the Pharisee did not show even this com­ mon courtesy to his Guest, but in­ stead began within himself to criti­ cize because Jesus had not washed before the meal. He found fault with Jesus while he himself was the ohe at fault. The Lord Jesus, by whom thoughts were as plainly read as spoken words •were heard, began to tell the Pharisee what was wrong. Referring to the individual, He told him that, while the outside was scrupulously cleansed, there was no cleansing of the inner parts. The Pharisees could present un­ impeachable outward cleanness, while all the while their inner heart was full of extortion and wickedness. In this they acted as fools, because the One who made and looked upon the outside was the One who made and looked upon the innermost life also. Hence Jesus counseled this Pharisee to “give for alms those things which are within” (v. 41, R. V.) and, if he would, his action would be an indica-, tion that heart cleansing had taken place. II. T he C harges A gainst F alse L eaders (42-48, 52) . Our Lord charged these false leaders with supreme folly b e c a u s e they tithed mint and rue and so forth, but passed over judgment and the love of God. He charged them, too, with miserable pride, because they desired the chief places in synagogues and public recognition in the market places. This is an evil against Which some leaders today must be on guard; it is easy for men to unconsciously seek for applause from the crowd be­ cause of petty pride. Furthermore, Christ charged them with hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the word

speaking of the danger of inner darkness, or darkness of soul, one of the Pharisees inter­

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that comes from “ acting a part.” The known actors of that day were called “hypocrites,” because they donned peculiar garments, with pads and ipasks, in order to appear other than they really were. Jesus accused these Pharisees of mere play-acting in their religious rites. There were lawyers standing there who saw that t}iey, too, were under the same condemnation, and they im­ mediately took exception to the charge (vs. 45-48, ,52). Our Lord turned to them ancl laid the same charges di­ rectly against them. They were the ones who, because of their position as teachers of the people, took ad­ vantage of that position and forced burdens upon the people., instead of helping them by proper teaching. Thus the lawyers were following the steps of the fathers, who killed the prophets. Instead of rebuking the fathers, the lawyers attempted to ex­ onerate them by building and beau­ tifying the sepulchers of the murdered ones. Furthermore, the lawyers took away the key of knowledge (v. 52). They would not use that key themselves,, and they would hinder all who de­ sired to use it. Instead of enlighten­ ing the people, they kept them in darkness. Hence there remained noth­ ing for the Lord to do-with'either Pharisees or lawyers except to pro­ nounce fearful woes upon them all. III. T he P urpose of the F alse L eaders (53, 4*) Neither the Pharisees nor the law­ yers were honest men. Supposedly seeking light, they were merely en­ gaged in laying plans to subtly ex­ tinguish - the light that had come among them in the Person of the Son of God. They began, by every arti­ fice, to press Jesus to speak of many things. They changed the subject sud-

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