King's business - 1942-03

March» 1942



repudiated, will be received and re­ stored, to become the channel of God’s full blessing to the whole universe. Points and Problems . 1. "Lord, are there few that bè saved?" (v. 23). This is an interesting theological question, but wholly spec­ ulative, and therefore the Lord points out that the questioner had better be concerned, first, about his own salva­ tion (“strive to enter in” ), and, sec­ ond, about the greatness of the pres­ ent opportunity as contrasted with the coming time when the door shall be shut. Such speculative questions were common in the days of our Lord on earth. Some of the old Rabbis tried fancifully to compute the actual num­ ber of the saved by working with the numerical values of the Hebrew let­ ters in various texts which predicted the coming of God’s kingdom. . 2. "Strive to enter in at the strait gate” (v. 24), “Strait gâte” is rendered “narrow door” in the' American Re­ vision. Christianity is hot a broad re­ ligion. Truth is always narrow, wheth­ er it be «eientific or religious truth. The chemist who does not pay strict attention to this quality or. truth is likely to poison some one or blow his own head off. And the, preacher who is not careful about his theology may find he has become a heretic without knowing it. f . 3. "Strive to enter" (v. 24). The Greek verb means literally to "ago­ nize." It was a word used to describe the ancient gladiatorial contests when men, knowing that to lose meant death, literally agonized in their struggles. It is the, word used by Luke to describe our Lord’s ,“ agony” in thé Garden when He sweat drops of blood. These words, “Strive to enter,” do not mean that salvation is something to be earned by works. Salvation is the free gift of God whièh the soul- needs only receive by faith. But often thé receiving of God’s gift in Christ means a tremendous spiritual struggle before the décision is made, kiirthirmov', to take this simple step of believing on Christ may mean, as it did for the Apostle Paul, the loss of friertds, posi­ tion, money, and even family. But it is. best to take the step, our« Lord de- cláres, no matter how great the agony it may cost us. 4. "Thou hast taught in our streets" (v. 26). What rvu incredibly' lame argument! ret /e And people today trusting in its ~efficacy. They think that because they are born in a Chris­ tian Home, and live in a land where Christ is preached, they will some­ how “get by.” As ' a matter. of fact, such considerations will only increase the severity of a man’s condemnation if he fails to heed the word of Christ which was proclaimed in his country, or town, or street, or family.

hearing the first appeal from God, the first in privilege; but their op­ portunities and privileges carried re­ sponsibilities. which they would not "assume. Hence these who Had been first would be last, and those de­ spised ones would be first, .r II. T he A ssured P ath (31-33) To get rid of Him and riis accusa­ tions, the Pharisees urged Christ to depart on pain of being killed by Herod. Herod would seek to kill Him, not because He could find fault in Him, but because these Pharisees- vyouid so accuse Him that Herod would be made to . believe He was a Aienace to the peace of the country. But Jesus told them that no weapon formed against Him could prevail un­ til the appointed time had come for Him to die. He would walk and- work the two days and “the third day I shall be perfected”—not “perfected” as Son of God, nor as to His perfect humanity, but as the Captain of our salvation bringing ■many sons to glory; for this He must reach the third day when He would be slain Ccf. Heb. 2 : 10 ) , m . T he F inal R ejection (34, 35) Because of their rejection of Him, He was forced to. reject them, and He did so in a threefold ,manner. He repudiated their city, Jerusalem, the city that should have honored the prophets but instead killed therm He repudiated their temple', that temple that been the-“house of God,” but i now nothing but ‘ your house, because God had been ariven out. And He repudiated them, the people who should have recognized and acknowledged Him as their Mes­ siah. -But the repudiation was not final; it was only “ until” they would ex­ claim in a coming day, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” That will be at our Lord’s sec­ ond coming, and the “until” grows ever shorter and soon will end. Then the city and temple and people, once

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