King's business - 1942-03

March, 1942



• Let'Us “ come and see” and take ' our stand in the place of death and think of: I.,His Great Humility: He who was in glory was laid in a borrowed grave —the'Son .of God buried (Phil. 2.:5-8). 2. His Spotless Life: There was no sin in Him. He was holy, righteous, yet the iniquity of us all was laid upon Him (2 Cor. 5:21; cf. Heb. 7:26; Isa. 53:6). 3. His Manifold Sufferings: “Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my-sorrow” (Lam. 1:12). . “A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isa. 53:3). 4. His Mighty Power: .“He is risen,” not “He is raised.” His death was voluntary (John 10:18). 5. His Glorious Victory: “Through death” He destroyed “him that had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Heb. 2:14). In laying ¿Side His grave- clothes, He laid aSide all that be-, longed to sin, death, and the grave. He came forth a GLORIFIED SAV­ IOUR! IV. A P L A I N COMMISSION: “Go quickly, and fell” tv. 7). Tell what? .This angel preached the same message that we need to hear and proclaim-—the resurrection words. \Here they are: 1. Fear not.; 2. Come and see. 3. Go. quickly and tell, Christ is risen!. This is the glorious gospel. Come and see it and know the power of it; then go and tell it out. Go quickly, for the need is tre­ mendous.- APRIL 12, 1942 THE CHURCH COMES INTO BEING M a t t h e w ; 1 6 :1 3 - 1 9 ; 2 1 :4 2 By Chester J. Padgett Introduction Every ' C h r i s t i a n young person should consider prayerfully the sub­ ject o f the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. A study of the church could be and should be revolutionary in the- lives of many young believers. As you think of the .church, if you are a born-again follower of Christ, apply the teaching to your own heart and life as a member of the invisible c h u r c h , the mystical Body of our blessed Lord. - For Those Who Have Topics I. THE F OUNDA T I ON OF THE I CHURCH (v. 16). The Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal ’Son of God and the second Person o f the Trinity, is the foundation of the- church. Remember that Christ does not say that Peter is the foundation, but -that the church is built upon the

infinite truth of Peter’s great confes­ sion as to the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ (v.' 18),. Christ Jesus is the Rock upon which the true chureh is built; His substitutionary death, His triumphant resurrection, and His glori­ ous ascension are the foundational facts, and sublime realities upon which the church is founded (Matt. 21:42-44; Acts 4:10-12; I Pet. 2:4-8). Peter is "petros," a piece of rock; Christ is “petra," a shelf of rock or a great stony crag, the Rock of our salvation. ' II. THE FOUNDER OF THE CHURCH tv., 18). Not only is Jesus Christ the Foun­ dation of the church, but He is also the Founder. He said, "I will build my church.” The church is not being constructed by the ingenuity of hu­ man intelligence; J't> is not growing according to man-made plans; it is not prospering merely through human agency; but: the church is being built by Him and through Him and for Him, “that in all things he might have the preeminence.’’

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