King's business - 1942-03

March, 1942


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b. They are to be restored after the church age (Rom. 11:26-36; Isa. '60:1-5). 2. The church is God’s heavenly people. This present age (the period since Calvary) is the dispensation of their gathering. III. THE COURSE OF THE CHURCH’S TRIUMPHANT MARCH. 1. Past. Christ’s triumph over death, hell, and the grave—as He died on the cross, was buried, and rose again— becomes the basis for the triumph of the church (l.Cor. 15; Gen. 3:15). The warfare in which the church is en­ gaged is just one phase of the strug­ gle between God and Satan. At the cross, Satan made his supreme bid to overcome God, but his effort was of no avail. Instead, the cross became the occasion of the devil’s defeat, and in thus assuring the victory of God, it assured the victory of the church as well. 2. Present. The triumph of the church in this day is not determined by circum­ stances; the church is triumphant al-' ways' in Christ. Again, the triumph ot the church is not to be measured in terms of visible results, for the church will not convert the entire world. She has not been called to do this. The triumph of the church in this age is the getting of the testimony concern­ ing Christ out to the unsaved and the gathering out of those who will form the church, the Body of Christ (2 Cor. 2:14-17). 3. Future. The Rapture. At the close of this age, the church will be taken out of the world. When Christ comes from heaven, the dead in Christ will be resurrected first. Then those which are alive will be caught up, and thus the church will meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:13-18; 2 Thess. 2:7). A Year of Evangelism Harry McCormick Lintz, Dyess, Ark., who on January 5 of 1941 gave up his pastorate in the First Baptist Church of Lake Charles, La., has spent the past year in carrying the g o s p e l through twenty states, and is sched­ uled a l r e a d y for work throughout 1942. Prior to his pastoral work, Dr. Lintz had had several years in the evangelistic field, and he has been in forty-eight states and fourteen for­ eign countries. He comments, “Never Has there been such a need Jor gospel preaching as today,” and requests the prayers of KING’S BUSINESS readers. Dr. Lintz was one of the speakers at the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in Janu­ ary.

THE BETHEL MISSION of Eastern Europe, Inc. Founded by Pastor and Mrs. Leon I. Rosenberg Headquarters: 252 N. Dillon Street Los Angeles, California

' Mrs. Rosenberg with a group o f Orphans A CR Y OF DISTRESS AND DESPAIR reache« this country, coming from those millions of Jews doomed in Europe by the atrocities of. the Nazis and is touching the -hearts of compassionate Am eri­ cans who are willing to help. THE DEPTH OF THIS TRAGEDY however is experienced by the staff o f missionaries o f Bethel. There, they are sharing the needs and anguish o f those afflicted ones. They hear the cries of starving children which pierce their hearts. CHILDREN IN JEOPARDY o f starvation is a terrible sight. Those little ones, ill-fed and poorly clad, are trembling, facing the SEVERE W INTER. A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY AND A DUAL TASK—The BethdT-Mission o f Eastern Europe, as the only native Gospel agency there, is alone permitted to carry on its activities, giving to the Jews,- as the N azis say, that which belongs to them. TANGIBLE BLESSINGS—The Lord is graciously blessing the preaching and spreading o f the Gospel there, and many precious Jewish souls among .old and young are won for Christ. THE APPALLING NEED—The inhuman sufferings demand alleviation and immediate help. To fulfill this task, Bethel maintains an ORPHANAGE AND CHILDREN'S HOMES for Hebrew Christian and other destitute boys and girls. THE GREAT NEED OF BETHEL UNDER PREVAILING CONDITIONS—These faithful warriors on the “ firing lines” of testings and afflictions on the “ battle field” o f Christ need the prayers and co­ operation of sympathetic Christian .friends. , BETHEL, AS A FAITH MISSION is utterly dependent upon the Lord, W ho is graciously supplying its. needs by freewill offerings. THE BETHEL W ITNESS w ith current news from the mission field is freely sent to every friend by addressing Headquarters; 252 N. Dillon Street, Los Angeles, California. • A CHILD SAID •

(Rev. 5:9, 10). The outline of the Book of Isaiah has two main divisions: judgment (chs. 1-39) and restoration (chs. 40-66)..Chapter 59 deals with the following: the sin of Israel (vs. 1-8); the cry for solution of the sin problem (vs. 9-15), and the solution, a Re­ deemer (vs. 16-21). Thus the verses which open our lesson in Isaiah 60 teach that light will come to Zion with the restoration of Israel under the Messiah. b. The Gentiles will be blessed through the light that comes to Zion (vs. 3-5). 2. Mark 4:30-32. a. This passage t e a c h e s the growth of the visible church organiza­ tion, not the living Body of Christ which includes only true believers in Him. b. This parable shows the corrup­ tion of that organization by the com­ ing in of the “world”—the world- system which is Satanically motivated and is opposed to God. The “world!’ is pictured by the fowls of the air' (cf. Matt. 13;4, 19 for another instance of the harmful influence of the “fowls” ). ’ll. SOME DISTINCTIONS. 1. The Jews are God’s earthly peo­ ple. a. They have been set aside dur­ ing this present dispensation, this present period of God’s dealing with mankind (Rom. 11:1-25; 9:25-33).

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