King's business - 1942-03



March, 1942

be needing it any more. I am con­ tent, now, knowing you will take up the work. Soon, I shall go in to see my Saviour face to face. Think of me as in His presence. “ God bless you, Bill. As ever, “Ethel.” The fingers of Bill’s left hand tight­ ened on the worn notebook. Then he bowed his head. “ Father,” he prayed, his voice rough with emotion, “I thank Thee that she is with Thee, in Thy immediate presence, translated to a higher service. I thank Thee for. opening my »eyes, through her testi­ mony. Help me to carry on.' By Thy grace, I’ll organize this club for shut- ins, to show them that they can do greater business, than the biggest cor­ porations in the world, just by being systematic in praying for those who are carrying the gospel. Make me Thy instrument, Father.” Outside, the last rays of the setting sun found the top bricks of the Sta­ dium and shone there for a moment. Bill’s eyes rested briefly on the lighted bricks and he realized with a quiet joy that it did not hurt to think of the days he had played there in front of the cheering fans. The longing after liberty is univer­ sal. When Christ came and walked among men, He found them hungry for liberty. Wherever the gospel of Christ is taken, the missionaries of the cross find men with a quickened longing for liberty. In Christ alone is true liberty. If jl e makes an individ­ ual free, that one is free indeed. Our fathers learned that great truth— through believing >on Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. They dedicated our government, our nation, to His truth. They founded the Con­ stitution in order that men might be free to follow Him, and to build their way of life according to His standards. Nearly three-quarters of the world today is under a system of slavery. More than a billion "human beings today groan under the yoke of totali­ tarian bondage. To strike down the totalitarian tyrants, but leave the peoples of the world in ignorance of Christ, is to leave them still in bond­ age. There •is just one way to take true and lasting liberty to any man or any nation: and that is to take Christ to that man and, that nation. There, is no real victory for the in­ SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEWS [ Continued from Page 84] today—or have enjoyed up until the present emergencyvThey probably did not even imagine the nature and ex­ tent of What are sometimes called the “ blessings of science.” But they had a full conception of the meaning of the “blessings of liberty.”

dividual nor for the nation except through Christ. Our system of Consti­ tutional liberty grew up in America because our nation waj inhabited by a generation of men and women who had hid the Word of God away i n . their hearts. America will fail to win the victory, we will fail to protect the cause of liberty, unless we are as concerned to evangelize the world as we ere to re­ lease it from the grip of the totali­ tarian terrorists. Child Evangelism Fellowship, China Inland Mission, Evangelical Union of South America, Jewish Department of the Church of the Open Door; Ken­ tucky Mountain Mission, North Africa General Mission, Oriental Missionary Society, Orinoco River Mission, Pioneer Mission Agency, Scandinavian Alli­ ance Mission, South Africa General Mission, South China Boat Mission, Sudan Interior Mission, and The Gid­ eons. It is hoped that not only in Los Angeles, but in many, other centers as well, missionary interest may be stirred in the hearts of increasing numbers of the Lord’s people. Will you pray to that end? SHALL MISSIONS ADVANCE, TOO? [ Continued from Page 82] T h e fo llo w in g h a v e r e a d t h r o u g h th $ G o sp e l a c c o r d in g to J o h n a n d a re n o w m e m b e r s o f th e K n o w Y o u r B ib le C lu b : K A N S A S C IT Y , K A N S .: R u th B a ile s ; E m m a a n d P a ts y J o B a lla r d ; B e tty B o r g - s ta d t; G e ra ld in e B u rr is ; F lo r e n c e G a r r e ft ; E th e l H a r p e r ; V io le t H e n d r ic k s ; B e u la h M ile s ; S h ir le y M illir o n ; L o r e n e S a u n d e rs ; M a r g ie T h o m a s ; B e tty V a u g h n ; D o r o th y W h is le r ; L o is W h ite s e ll; A n n a B e lle W il­ lia m s, a n d L a v e d a W illis (M rs. J o h n n e ta S a u n d e rs, t e a c h e r ). L A N D U S K Y , M O N T .: G o rd o n B o o th ; M e lv in D a v is ; F r a n c e s a n d J a c k ie D e n iff; V e s ta M a rie H e p p n e r, an d E v e ly n , J oh n , P e te , a n d R u th K o lo c z a le (A lm a N y b e r g , le a d e r ). M O U N T A IN V IE W , C A L IF .: M a rio n E . V a u g h n (M a rio n E . M o o re , le a d e r ). U T IC A , M IN N .: E r n e s t a n d M ild re d B lo c k ; B e v e r ly a n d C u rtis C o n a u g h ty ; K a th r y n K in g ; J a c k ie M id le r ; A u d r e y S e ife r t; B u d d y S h a ttu c k ; G e o rg e T r e d e r ; R ile y T r o p p m a n (M rs. M a b el S tu p ey , le a d e r ). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, rend through the Ciogpel ac­ cording; to John, using- either-^your own Bible or a Gospel of Jobn which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teach­ er, lias been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or- more Gospels or pin» may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord di­ rects: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each — in quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address; Junior King’s Business, 558.8. Hope St., Log Angeles, Calif. JUNIOR KING’S BUSINESS [ Continued from Page 94] New K. Y. B. C. Members

C ho ir & A A i a m i o £ u i p i f I s


B Fine materials, beautiful work, & pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DcMouiin Bros. & Co. S e a 1126 S. 4th St., Greenville, 111. BIG BUSINESS Cl«** pins, dub'pint, ring* and emblems. Finest quality. Reasonable prices from 30c up. Write today for our attractive, free catalog. D e p t . E metal m t i co * R ochester , n . y; [ Continued from Page 92] able to carry on? Aren’t you going to get well?” With a smile that Bill never forgot, Ethel answered. “Not on this earth. I have cancer of the lung. It’s just a few days from my heart. I wanted to know,” she finished simply at his horrified exclamation, “ and they told me. But it’s all right. My Saviour is walking the last mile close at my side and there is nothing to fear.” 1 Alone, Bill sat, stunned. He felt he; could crawl on the floor in humility if it were physically possible. No one was watching him, yet his face flushed crimson with shame. Here was a girl—a beautiful girl, potential in so many earthly ways—with Death counting the days on the calendar be­ fore her eyes. And she was happy, wonderfully happy, knowing that God had chosen to make her employment brief, so that it might be great. “Oh, God, forgive me,” Bill prayed. “Forgive me for ever questioning You —for grumbling—and make my life a witness for You—even from this wheel chair.? ' He saw Ethel only twice after that. Each day they talked eagerly—rapidly —planning for the work. Ethel was so gay, so happy on those two days that Bill forgot for a moment the shadow that hung over her and that was grow­ ing darker steadily. And then it fell. The she did not come. On the day that they closed all the doors on the floor, including Bill’s, from Ethel’s room to the back elevator while a nurse wHeeled a silent form down the hallway, Ethel’s nurse brought her notebook to him. “Miss Main requested that this be left with you,” she explained. Bill took the well-worn book and held it in his "hands a moment before he opened it. He was glad she had ■sent it. It/was a symbol of service. In­ side was a note: “Dear Bill: “I thought you might like to use my prayer-list book to add a few items to your own file. You may keep-it if you wish. I won’t

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