
Climate Contract Playbook Edition 3


Greenhouse Gases ; specified in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Green Transport Objectives ; all of the following a) to include car sharing facilities and spaces at the Development; b) to minimise Private Car Ownership with a target of no more than [1] per 100 inhabitants in the Development; c) to maximise EV Parking Spaces and minimise non-EV car parking spaces on the Development; d) to maximise Pedestrian Zones; e) to maximise cycle storage facilities; f) to maximise cycle ways and footpaths; g) to maximise the use of public transport for commuting by the residents of the Development; and h) to use advanced data analytics to predict transport requirements creating new public transport hubs as required. Hydrocarbons : principally oil, gas and coal or other fuel source derived from an organic compound made up or hydrogen and carbon. Natural Capital : the natural assets in and around the Property including the geology, soil, air, water and all living things that the residents and community use, which make their lives possible. NGO : a non-governmental organisation that is established to protect, wildlife, the environment or biodiversity and that has rights to object to the Development. Net Zero : the sum of Greenhouse Gas emissions from all operations on the Property and Greenhouse Gas removals, accounted for by credits from Carbon Insetting or Carbon Offsetting projects, is zero. Net Zero Adjusted Land Price: [NUMBER]% of the Minimum Land Price or Market Value whichever is higher. Net Zero Bonus : an additional [NUMBER]% of the Net Sale Receipts (exclusive of VAT) payable for achievement of all the Net Zero Objectives. Net Zero Objectives : all of the following a) maximise the proportion of Zero Carbon Housing; b) use construction materials with the lowest Embodied Carbon reasonably available; c) maximise self-generation of renewable energy on the Development; d) minimise the use of heating and hot water technologies that use Hydrocarbon fuels or produce Greenhouse Gases; e) establish a Community Energy Programme to supply renewable energy to the Development;

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