


The current pandemic situation has forced many non-profit agencies, like the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital Foundation, to get creative with their fundraising efforts this year. “We’re doing some virtual fundraising,” said Christine Gray-St. Denis, philanthropic projects coordinator for the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital Foundation (HGH Foundation). The COVID-19 pandemic forced cancella- tion of the annual golf tournament and other traditional fundraiser events that help the Foundation collect money to assist with pro- jects, like purchasing cutting-edge diagnostic scanning equipment, to enhance the regional hospital’s services for patients. Foundation staff and volunteers are now looking at taking some standard fundraiser ideas, like a 50-50 draw, and giving them a virtual twist. “We liked the simplicity of this one,” Gray-St. Denis said, regarding the HGH Foundation virtual 50-50 raffle. The plan is to have the virtual 50-50 set up on its own webpage, with a link from the

Here’s some help for patients who need to mask up at Hawkesbury & District General Hospital (HGH). Annette and Tiffany Jones (right) presented Pierre-Luc Byham, HGH Foundation executive director, and Dr. Julie Miranda, HGH chief of staff, with more than 200 handsewn face masks for patients and visitors at the hospital who may not have a mask to wear for pandemic protection. The masks donation program is one of several new projects for the Foundation to support the hospital. —supplied photo

HGH Foundation website, and ready in August for 50-50 fans to enter for the ongoing draws. Foundation staff are also developing another virtual fundraiser project to unveil in the autumn. Details are secret until then. “But I think our community will be excited with this,” said Gray-St. Denis. The Foundation is also helping promote the Virtual Bay Run event that takes place online from July 18 to 25. Participants in this year’s physical Bay Run in L’Orignal can sign up for this year’s virtual version at The idea is that participants will still be able to walk or run, but they will do so at a day, time, and location convenient for them while respecting the pandemic public health safety guidelines. This year’s event include the traditional one-kilometre, five-kilometre, and 10-kilo- metre categories. Participants will have a choice of entering in half- and full-marathon or ultramarathon categories, and taking part in sprint and endure challenge classes. Foundation wish list This year, Gray-St. Denis noted, the Foun- dation has two main goals for its fundraising efforts. First is to provide as much help as

possible in keeping the hospital supplied with the protective gear needed for staff and patients during the current pandemic situation. The Foundation has issued a challenge to all local seamstresses to provide hand-sewn face masks suitable for use by visitors to the hospital and patients who may not have a mask when they arrive. “Anyone who is able to donate masks, can do so,” said Gray-St. Denis, citing the example of Annette and Tiffany Jones. The mother-daughter duo sewed more than 200 face masks that they presented to Foundation officials earlier in July. Details on the mask-sewing project are available at or at613-632-1111, extension 21101. The other fundraising focus for the Foun- dation is the There’s No Place Like Home campaign for the hospital’s orthopedic pro- gram so that area residents do not have to go to Ottawa for some kinds of orthopedic surgery. “This can benefit so many people,” said Gray-St. Denis.

There’s No Place Like Home is one of the new projects for the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital Foundation to help support and improve the hospital’s patient treatment and care work. The program focus is on raising money for the orthopedics program at the hospital and reduce the need for some residents to go to Ottawa for some types of orthopedic surgery. —supplied photo

INSCRIPTION FOOTBALL 2020 REGISTRATION *** ONLINE ONLY *** at 20% de réduction pour commémorer notre 20e anniversaire /

20% discount to commemorate our 20th Anniversary. Open to residents of St-Lazare, Hudson, Vaudreuil , Rigaud and surrounding communities (including Hawkesbury and Alexandria). Ouvert à tous les garçons et filles de 5 à 17 ans / open to all boys and girls 5 to 17 year of age. Les pratiques devraient commencer le 14 juillet / practices scheduled to start July 14.

ST-LAZARE STALLIONS FOOTBALL AnsonWilliams @ 514-773-0394 Visit our website ( for more information.

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