Embedding Knowledges of Country at Inveresk

Botanical Name Common Name

Xanthorrhoea australis

Botanical Name Common Name

Banksia marginata


Wild Cherry Uses: This is a kinship tree for the Oyster Bay Country. The flower can be used as a scoop or a cup, and then as a freshening wipe – it has a slight sweet smell of honey. Traditionally the flowers could be used for wiping baby’s bottoms. The dried flower heads were also great for using as fire starters.

Uses: The lower stems are edible.

Note: The Riawunna examples of the Yakka are likely sourced from Victoria.

Botanical Name Common Name

Gum tree, unidentified

Botanical Name Common Name

Allocasuarina verticillata ‘He’ Oaks (Bull Oaks)

Possibly Iron Bark or a Stringy Bark

Uses: The spines can be chewed as a thirst quencher, as the sap causes a mild salivary response and can rehydrate the mouth. The nuts can be chewed as well. Note: The ‘She Oaks’ are favoured for replanting in Inveresk. They have a droopier habit, and longer thinner nuts.

Uses: Shade

Botanical Name Common Name

Correa alba White Correa

Uses: Used in flavouring dishes, the little white flower is peppery to taste.

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