20A — August 31 - September 13, 2012 — Green Buildings — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
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Hutchinson Energy Services Report sheds light on energy efficient economy
lash back to the energy crises during the 1970s where energy prices
A new report by the Ameri- can Council for an Energy- Efficient Economy (ACEEE),
transform the electric utility industry. “This report sheds light on
ing led to a decline in program funding in the late 1990s. Since then, utility energy ef- ficiency programs have grown rapidly. In 2010, the total bud- get for electric utility custom- er energy efficiency programs was $4.6 billion, up from $1.1 billion spent on such programs just a decade earlier. According to Hutchinson, “More and more, utilities, regulators and policymakers recognize that it is cheaper to reduce demand through energy efficiency programs than it is to construct, fuel and operate additional electric
generating plants.” The ACEEE report found that customer energy effi- ciency programs help reduce energy costs, yield significant environmental benefits and can improve system reliability. The report also states that energy efficiency remains the lowest cost energy resource available to utilities by a wide margin. Saving a kilowatt- hour of electricity as the result of a customer energy efficiency program is about one-third the cost of generating a kilowatt- hour from a power plant. Furthermore, the report cites the emergence of en- ergy efficiency as a valuable, cost-effective and significant energy resource that has es- tablished the foundation for a new era of energy efficiency. “We educate businesses about rebates, programs and energy efficient services that help reduce energy consump- tion and improve the bottom line,” said Hutchinson. One popular program, Direct In- stall from New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program, pays up to 70 percent of the cost of en- ergy efficiency upgrades for businesses and local govern- ments. Hutchinson Mechani- cal Services is a participating Direct Install contractor in Gloucester, Burlington, Cam- den, Ocean and Monmouth, New Jersey Counties. “Our biggest challenge is getting businesses to believe this program is real, because the benefits are so amazing.” Direct Install is created specifically for small to me- dium-sized facilities with a monthly peak demand of 150 kW or less. Its streamlined process makes it easy and affordable to replace heating cooling & ventilation (HVAC), lighting and other outdated operational equipment with energy-efficient alternatives. The 70% incentive dramati- cally improves payback on the project. Hutchinson Energy Services offers: • Energy Analysis • Comprehensive Energy Solutions • High Efficiency Lighting • Solar • Building Automation and Controls • Mechanical Hvac Services • System Commissioning Contact Hutchinson to schedule an energy assess- ment appointment. n
skyrocketed and ration c a r d s and flag systems were imple- ment ed t o d e a l w i t h t he s i t ua - tion. Energy e f f i c i e n c y
Direct Install is created specifically for small to me- dium-sized facilities with a monthly peak demand of 150 kW or less. Its streamlined process makes it easy and affordable to replace HVAC, lighting and other outdated operational equipment with energy-efficient alternatives.
Three Decades and Counting: A Historical Review and Cur- rent Assessment of Electric Utility Energy Efficiency Ac- tivity in the States, examines the history of these programs and their role in helping to
the achievements on custom- er energy efficiency programs over the last 30 years,” said Ed Hutchinson, president, Hutchinson Mechanical Ser- vices. Electric utility restructur-
Ed Hutchinson
programs - born out of this era- helped electric utility customers reduce and manage their costs and provide a low- cost, high-value resource.
Reduce your energy costs with Hutchinson! Direct Install now pays 70% of the cost to replace your outdated lighting and HVAC equipment.
Energy Management Solutions Web Access Monitoring
Heating | Ventilation | Air Conditioning Plumbing Services | Lighting Upgrades Energy Assessments Building Modeling and Benchmarking Solar Technologies
George Hutchinson III, LMP. Plumbing License Number 6311. Contact us today to learn how we can help you reduce energy costs and save! dicoordinator@hutchbiz.com 888-777-4501
Your Total Energy Experts ®
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