2023 Q3 Ohio Matters

Looking Ahead The Alkermes Inspiration Grant has marked a signifi- cant milestone in the jour- ney towards a healthier, opioid-free Ohio. As the Ohio Chamber of Commer- ce Research Foundation continues to enhance and expand its Opioid Toolkit for Employers, the impact of this initiative will reso- nate far beyond individual workplaces. It serves as a beacon of hope for those struggling with addiction, a testament to the power of collaboration, and a remin- der that, together, we can make a difference. In the coming months and years, as the toolkit reaches more employers and employees, the ripple effects of this initiative will be felt throughout the sta- te. By working together, or- ganizations like Alkermes and the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Research Fou- ndation are not only crea- ting positive change within their communities but also setting an inspiring exam- ple for others to follow in the fight against opioid ad- diction. The journey towards a healthier, opioid-free Ohio continues, and thanks to the partnership between Alkermes and the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Research Foundation, the path forward is illuminated with hope and possibility.

with Working Partners® and Anthem, is a comprehensi- ve resource that equips em- ployers with the necessary tools to address opioid-rela- ted challenges within their organizations. The toolkit features an 8-module course that pro- vides guidance on identi- fying, responding to, and resolving opioid addiction issues in the workplace. The toolkit’s objectives are am- bitious, including raising awareness, promoting pre- vention and early interven- tion, improving workplace safety and productivity, and enhancing corporate social responsibility. What sets this toolkit apart is its practicality. It doesn’t just raise awareness; it provides actionable steps that employers can take to make a meaningful diffe- rence. In doing so, it fosters a culture of compassion, su- pport, and action within the workplace. Alkermes Grant: Fueling Progress The Alkermes Inspiration Grant has played a pivotal role in advancing the Opioid Toolkit for Employers pro- gram. It has provided the necessary resources to up- date and expand the toolkit, ensuring that it remains re- levant and effective in ad- dressing the ever-evolving challenges posed by the opioid epidemic. The grant has allowed the

Ohio Chamber of Commer- ce Research Foundation to bring together experts, re- sources, and technology to create a more comprehen- sive and accessible toolkit. This includes video content, interactive resources, and up-to-date information on opioid addiction trends and legal changes. Empowering Employers, Transforming Lives At its core, the Opioid Toolkit for Employers is about more than just equi- pping businesses with re- sources; it’s about transfor- ming lives. By empowering employers to take proactive measures against opioid ad- diction, this toolkit is crea- ting healthier workplaces, stronger communities, and ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of em- ployees and their families. Through educational ini- tiatives, practical guidance, and a commitment to cor- porate social responsibili- ty, employers are not only better prepared to address opioid addiction but also play an active role in the broader effort to combat this crisis. As the opioid epi- demic continues to affect countless lives, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Re- search Foundation, with the support of the Alkermes Inspiration Grant, is leading the charge for change wi- thin the business communi- ty.



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