KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-10

sleep and, taking one of his ribs, made a woman for him. This creation of woman from Adam’s rib emphasizes the absolute unity of the human race and proves that the entire human race does indeed descend from one ancestor, Romans 5 :18ff. indicates. Adam’s later statement that “ this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh:” reveals this fact. ADAM NAMES TH E WOMAN It is extremely interesting to note (Gen. 2:22-23) that God did with the woman, after her creation, as he had done with the animals after their creation. He brought her to the man, and it was Adam who called (named) her “ woman.” This is the one name he could not give to any of the animals. But recognizing that the woman was suitable in every area of development, Adam could say, “ This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.” Two very contemporary truths stand out from this passage, both of which should be considered by every Christian teenager. The first is the need for complete compatibility betwwen members of the opposite sex in dating. Harmony comes when there is compatibility in all areas of development. No area can be minimized. Since dating often leads to marriage, the selection of a dating partner should be taken very seriously. Wise marriage LESSONS TO LEARN

TH E SO C IA L A R EA Good so c ia l development requires that there be balance in the individual’s association with others. There must be balance in group participation. Likewise, there must be a development of abilities; participation in activities, development of achievements, and expression of leadership. Animals can be taught to respond to certain stimuli, but they cannot function socially on the level of man. Spiritually speaking, when he is compared to angels and animals, man is the lowest of God’s creation which possesses “ God awareness.” Since animals are lower than man in the order of God’s creation, it is therefore impossible to share God with animals. There is no concept of sin or redemption among them. Animals cannot learn nor practice the Word of God. They cannot grow in faith or obedience to God. The re cannot be fellowship between God and the animals, and animals cannot manifest the glory o f God. For these reasons, spiritual compatibility between Adam and any of the animals would be impossible. THE SP IR ITUA L A R EA


It is obvious that God knew beforehand and had planned this series of developments. Genesis 2:21-22 states that after Adam’s revealing discovery had been made God caused him to go into a deep

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