justification , His glorification. These are the “ all things” that work together for good to assure us and guarantee us heaven. Notice Romans 8:32 , “ He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things.” Here are the “ all things” of God’s living grace. Remember that there are things of sorrow, conflict, chastisement for which we can be thankful as God has given them to us to assure our maturing into the people He would have us to be. Then Paul concludes the verse by saying that this grace “ may abound to every good work.” This is grace to get God’s work done on earth. Let us not be satisfied with the amazing grace that saved us “ the hour we first believed.” But let us sing Ira Sankey’s song, “ More to Follow.” “Have you on the Lo rd believed? S till there’s more to follow. O f His grace have you received? S till there’s more to follow. Oh, the grace the Father shows! S till there’s more to follow. Freely He His grace bestows; S till there’s more to follow. More and more! More and more! S till there’s more to follow. Oh, His matchless, boundless love, S till there’s more to follow. ” G U ID E LIN ES O F GRA C E God, in His divine plan, has seen fit to bring salvation to mankind out of His vast supply of grace. We might wonder how He controls the actions of those who claim to have been recipients of His grace. We can be sure that God does not build a Berlin wall or pull
The “ all sufficiency” of which Paul speaks reveals grace of infinite supply. Paul testified about the thorn in the flesh. He had asked God to relieve him of it. Three times God replied, “ My grace is sufficient for thee” (II Corinthians 12:9).
John L. Mitchell
The “ all things” shows that the re is grace fo r eve ry circumstance. We love to quote Romans 8:28. But when we give testimony as to how this has been effective in our life, we expose our own finite and small view of God. We talk about the little things which have worked together in our lives for good. The “ all things” God has in mind are listed for us in the verses which follow. All of them have to do with our e t e r n a l s a l v a t i o n , H i s f o r e k n o w l e d g e , H i s predestination, His calling, His Page 16
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