down an Iron Curtain for the Christian. Instead He stretches out spiritual guidelines which will be s e n s i t i v e t o any danger confronting us. Paul gave these gu ide lines of grace to the Corinthians in five propositions. The first raises the question, “ Is it lawful for me?” (I Corinthians 6 :12). Paul now has a new basis of standing before God which is not a result of the law. Its concept comes from a new principle of grace. Just because Paul was no longer bound by the law did not mean that he would purposefully sin, commit adultery, steal and covet. He testifies, “ all things are lawful unto me.” That means he has a new relationship with God not based on a list of do’s and don’ts. Years ago I lived in California. Sometimes we went to the beach in the morning and then drove back late in the afternoon. I remember one time being stopped in a road block. Police were checking all the drivers to see if they had shoes on. Apparently there was an ordinance which required it. All the time I resided in that state I was required to have shoes on my feet while operating a car. In Arizona we have no law which requires this. The moment I crossed the Colorado River and went to Arizona what do you suppose I did? Did I take my shoes off and shout for joy that now I could drive a car without shoes? Of course not! I wore shoes not because I had to, but because I wanted to. “ Is it expedient for me;” is the second guideline. Paul had said that all things were lawful for him.
There are many things lawful for a Christian to do, but in the expediency of God’s grace he still does not become involved. He has accepted Scriptural guidelines which, if followed, contribute toward his effective and successful Christian life under grace. The third guideline is, “ Does it bring me under its power?” (Corinthians 6 :12 ). In other words, is it habit forming? There are many things in life which may be lawful for the Christian; they may even be expedient. The Christian who is saved by grace and lives by grace must ask himself, “ Is there a danger of this bringing me under its power;” (Corinthians 9 :27 ). He knew there were passions and lusts within which would cause his body to clamor for power over him. He lived a disciplined life so that the flesh would not become the master and lord of life. The complexity of our society puts the Christian into many a circumstance where he rubs shou lders w ith p o ten tia lly dangerous habits. The stories he reads, the pictures he sees, the drugs he takes, the programs he watches, can capture his thoughts and bring his mind into their captivity. It is Satan’s desire to bring about our spiritual defeat. The fourth question to ask is, “ Does it edify me?” Something may be legal and I may have liberty to engage in it, but what does it do to build me up and make me a better person? A couple of years ago while waiting at a signal a car coming from my left was going to make a left-hand turn under a green light. The driver had stopped under the Page 17
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