rug. After going through the usual custom of waiting to be received by the Navajo, I made a request as to whether she would weave a rug for me. I wanted to give it to my wife for Christmas. She agreed and made arrangements. When it was completed she would have it shipped to me. I received the rug in October. I had to decide whether I wanted to wait until Christmas or give it to her three months early. Under the system of the law I could have said, “ Honey, I have your Christmas present for you. It is a new Indian rug, made a c c o r d i n g t o my own specifications. If you are a good wife and cook my meals, wash the dishes, keep my clothes pressed, and all other required chores done faithfully for three months, I will see to it that you get this rug for Christmas.” On the other hand I could have done it under the system of grace. “ Honey, I have your Christmas present for you. It is a Navajo rug. Instead of making you wait for Christmas in order to see it, I love you so much I am going to give it to you now, three months prematurely, as your Christmas present.” What do you suppose the response would have been to that? In the first case she would have tried to be good in order to earn her Christmas present. In the second case she would have been a good wife in response to the love gift which was prematurely given to her. This is the greatest guardrail God has provided for the Christian under grace. Prematurely he has given to the Christian all of the benefits of his salvation. He is
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