KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-10

confident that His child will respond with a life of grace, living unto God through Jesus Christ. He will not allow sin to reign in His mortal body.

here is PAIDEUO. It is the concept of training children which is more than simply teaching them. He could have used another word, D IDASKO which means “ to teach and del i ver didactic discourses.” It would simply be instilling a doctrine in another. PA IDEUO embraces the student’s reception and response. Much of our education today is merely a teaching, telling what is right, without a training or an example to follow. In the Bible PA IDEUO is used both to train (Acts 22:3) and to Chastise (II Timothy 2:24-26: Hebrews 12:6, 7). The grace of God teaches us that we are to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts by virtue of our salvation by grace (Titus 2 :11). Ungodliness means simply the absence of God. There are rather few people who are ungodly in theo ry , but many who. are ungodly in practice. Did you know that it is possible for a Christian to be an ungodly person? In theory he may claim to believe in God, but in practice he ignores the Lord. Such is the route of practical atheism. The second thing God’s grace teaches us is that we should deny worldly lusts or desires (Romans 13:14). These can be distinguished from fleshly lusts. Worldly lusts include desires for prestige, status, e s t e e m , w e a l t h , success, impression. Fleshly lusts mean such things as rebellion, anger, bitterness. Worldly lusts allure from the system around us; fleshly lu sts are those which are stimulated from self within. When Paul speaks of living “ soberly” he means that the Christian is to be of a sound mind, Page 23


A speaker addressed a high school assembly and spoke of there being three kinds of students: dreamers, visionaries and activists. The dreamers were those who looked to the past; the visionaries those who looked to the future; and activists those who lived for the present. The same may be said for Christians in their relationship to the grace of God. In reality, all three of these concepts can be found in the Christian life. They are all embraced in a classic passage on the grace of God found in Titus 2:11-14. Interestingly, it is. In vs. II we have the grace for salvation. “ The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.” In vs. 13 we read of the grace of His second coming, “ looking for that blessed hope.” In vs. 12 there is the grace of His s a n c t i f i c a t i o n w h i c h is accomp lished through loving discipline. All three of these are tied together with the opening statement concerning the grace of God. This discipline of grace involves both some negatives and positives. The negatives include the denial of ungodliness and worldly lusts. The positives require a life which is sober, righteous and godly. How does God go about developing the discipline of grace in a Christian’s life? Paul writes in vs. 12, “ teaching us.” The word he uses

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