Rap tu re . The r e will be a generation of believers who will n e v e r d i e p h y s i c a l l y (I Thessalonians 4:13-18). Q. Bell, Calif. ‘‘In John 10:33 to 35, I am a little perplexed by the phrase in verse 34, ‘Ye are gods’. Can you tell me what is meant?" A. Again, the context is so vital to understand. The Jews were opposing our Lord concerning a very vital area relative to His diety. In this chapter we have our Sav iou r’s wonderful discourse concerning the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. Then He stressed His relationship to God by positively asserting, “ I and my Father are one” . This the religious leaders cast aside as blasphemy. They could not stand to hear such testimony about His diety. In the phrase about which you ask Christ quotes from Psalm 82:6. He referred to the leaders in Israel who enjoyed a special place of authority. Note the small “ g” whi ch does not denote a superhuman being. The Lord told them, “ I am not blaspheming at all when I said, ‘ I am the Son of God.’ My supernatural works testify that I have every valid right to call God my Father in this unique sense.” Q. Kansas C ity, Mo. ‘‘Why do so many preachers today use the expression ‘I f the Lo rd tarry'. / do not want to be critical, but do you not feet this is confusing? Hebrews 10:37 says, ‘Fo r y e t a little while and he that shall come w ill come, and w ill not tarry’. / have always thought that the Lo rd has a perfect time-table fo r His second coming. ”
prerogative to exercise apostolic authority. For this reason the man was given to Satan for his physical death, however, his soul, since he was a believer was preserved until the day of Jesus Christ. This simply means as the leaders got together, they unitedly found that the man’s passions of the flesh were so strong that the Spirit of God had been quenched and subdued. The person was not annihilated for such is no where taught in Scripture. This does show the severity of God’s judgment in the first Christian c e n t u r y upon any gross wickedness of believers. We, today, can also be thankful for His chastening love. Q. Fresno, Calif. " The Bible says that it is appointed to man once to die, and after that the judgment. Bu t what about people whom Jesus raised from the dead such as Lazarus? Would they thereby escape judgment?” A. It has been well said that, “ A person who is born once dies twice, while a person who is born twice dies only once.” Without the new birth by personal faith in Christ there is both physical and eternal death which must be faced. Those whom Jesus called forth from the dead, are of course, the exceptions to the rule. The basic principle is that “ It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment” . The Lord did not do Lazarus any favor by bringing him back to life. It was for the glory of God that the miracle was performed. Lazarus had to die all over again. He was not given any resurrection body. Only our Lord has His at this point. We will receive ours at the
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