A . Although we may not personally choose to use this phrase, we would not be overly critical of those who do. Yes, you may be sure that the Lord has a per fect time-table. He alone knows the end f rom the beginning. Only He understands all things. We do not know when our Saviour will come again. When that one last soul is saved we will be taken into His presence. A person using such language, “ If the Lord tarry” refers to what may transpire if the Lord does not come back right away. It is not that God cannot make up His mind. He knew the very second of Christ’s return long before this world was ever formed. Q. Garden Grove, Calif. “Please explain Revelation 3 :14 . Some people claim that ‘The beginning o f the creation o f God’ means that God created Jesus Christ. ” A. Such could never be true for a single moment. John 1:1-3 should be sufficient evidence to disprove that theory. Christ is co-equal and co-eternal with God. Jesus was not a created one. “ All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made” . The phrase about which you have asked comes in the message to the church at Laodicea which is the last of the seven churches in Asia Minor. The Greek expression does not mean what we have in Eng lish . A better translation is what we find in Corinthians 1:15 stating that Christ “ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” This simply testifies that He pre-dates or anti-dates all creation. This is a priority of po s i t i on rat he r than any signification of origin. This is also
found in Psalms 89:27 confirming the Davidic covenant and speaking of the Messiah. Q. Walla Walla, Wash. “ What scriptures tell us that we are to s u p p o r t o u r m issio n a rie s financially?” A . Look at the connection between I Corinthians 15:58 and 16:1. The 15th chapter is about the resurrection and lifts us up to the heavenlies. Then, all of a s ud d e n Paul says , “ Now concerning the collection” . This brings reality to light very rapidly. That is quite practical to say the least! As to specific verses, remember that our Lord’s parting words before His ascension were that we are to go and “ teach all nations” . This is a command for th e C h r i s t i a n . These are our “ marching orders” . In I Corinthians 9:14 we find the admonition that they who preach the Gospel should be financed by those who hear the Gospel. The same is true with Galatians 6:6. (To “ communicate” means to share.) We are to support our missionaries because we are commanded to go ourselves. If we cannot go personally we are expected to help those who are able. Then, as soon as possible, the local indigenous church on the foreign field should be taught to s u p p o r t its own l eaders. Remember that as we support them we have a part in the salvation of souls whom they have been used humanly speaking, to bring to the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Eugene, Ore. m would like you r view on the apocrypha which is included in the New English Bible. Are these books actually supposed to be part o f the Bible? What about Revelation 2 2 :18 ?” Page 35
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