The lines are long at the beginning of the semester. The students are registering with the Dean of Students Office.
they do not harmonize with the other blessed 66 books of the Old and New Testament. Q. Long Beach, Calif. “Some say that in the end times certain individuals w ill have great power and ability to perform miracles as our Lo rd did during His m inistry on earth, is this according to Scrip tu re?” A. There is no such passage that states this in regard to the return of the Lord. We do know that those who have received Christ will be given opportunity to accomplish great things for the Saviour (John 14:12). This speaks of greater works extensively and not intensively. Of course, no one c o u l d do any th ing more supernatural than raising the dead. The greatest thing any Christian can do is to win a soul to the Lord Jesus Christ. To heal the body is one thing, but to heal the soul is of inestimably more value. The power spoken of in Mark 16:17 was not passed on from
A. This passage immediately refers to the book of Revelation, but it is also applicable to the rest of Scripture as well. No one is to add or to take away from this Bible. While there are some people and groups who believe that the apocrypha are a part of Holy Writ there is no valid evidence to support such a view. These are books that came between Malachi and Matthew, but which were not recognized by the Jews or the early church fathers. The name itself means “ hidden books” . They are not of the same absolute authority and inspiration by any manner. Some very beautiful thoughts and historical material may be contained but that is not a guarantee of inspiration. One of the basic reasons why we have to reject these writings is that they teach salavation by works and not by grace. Either they are right or the Bible is wrong. It cannot be both ways. Obviously they cannot be received as authoritative since
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