may not know the Lord, or who are weak in the faith. Q. "How can a supposed born aqain believer delight in w illfu l sin?” A . There are many who make a profession of faith and yet whose hearts are far from God. Many church members do not really know the Lord, even though they attend ’services and give their weekly envelopes. It is one thing to profess to know Christ, but quite another to really possess Him. Romans 7 is the great faith chapter which deals with the natural and the spiritual man. It tells us of the conflict between the old and the new nature. Paul concludes, “ O wretched man that I am; who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Even born-again Christians have a time w h e n t h e y b e c o m e consci ence-s t ri cken, living a miserable life. Read on, however, to see the v i c t o r y Paul experienced (7:25-8:1). Q. San Diego, Calif. "D id Christ drink wine or was it fermented grape ju ic e ? ” A. There is no evidence that Christ drank any intoxicant even though He made wine in Canaan of Galilee. The consensus of Bible scholars with whom we would agree hold that the beverage referred to was ceremonial wine. We do not see anyone becoming drunk on the occasions when such wine is used. Scripture says we are not to be drunk with wine wherein is excess. The best way to keep some people from going to excess is to abstain totally.
Word of God is all about. S c r i p t u r e can take on a completely new importance with such a dedicated purpose. We have been privileged to go several times. Without fail, the Word of God becomes clearer and more vibrant than it did before. It also provides innumerable opportunities for testimony along the way, while there, and after one returns. It is truly a wonderful experience. If Christians desire to go, we want to provide them with dedicated l eader s, Bible teachers, and Christian fellowship. p i have read in Isaiah that Su n d a y is the Lo rd ’s day. Sometimes / have to work on Sundays. By the time / get home in the evenings I am too tired to go . Is this causing a poor testimony?” A . The Bible is eminently practical with its answers. First of a l l , may we correct your statement in that Isaiah does not say that Sunday is the Lord’s day. The latter came in as a result of the death and resurrection of the Saviour. The resurrection was not an historic fact in the Old Testament but only prophesied there. If our jobs require constant employment on Sunday we should examine the importance of the position. On the other hand there may be occasional need for service to fulfill certain requirements. The question indicates that when the work does not make it imperative, church is attended. This is proper (Hebrews 10:25). We know the body can just take so much. T ry to get sufficient rest, especially before Sunday. We need to be sure at the same time we are not stumbling blocks to those who Q.
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