Some years ago, when I first began my ministry, I received a book on the "Conflict of the Ages” by Arno C. Gaebelein. Avidly I studied the book so that I could understand fully how Satan has been agitating the truth of God down through the centuries. We should realize how the devil operates so that we can better understand what God wants us to know concerning our arch adversary. Let us begin by looking at Genesis 3:15. Here the curtain rises on the first act of the greatest drama of all times. The leading roles belong to God and the devil. Mankind completes the cast. What is the origin of this conflict? Satan in his subtlety caused the sin of our first parents. As a result man is given a death
sentence by the Supreme Ruler of the universe. The devil learns that he is to be crushed and mortaly wounded by Someone designated as the “ seed of the woman” . Defiant and confident, he sets in motion a bold plot of hatred, vengearice and destruction. Scene after scene follows as Satan seeks to thwart God’s plan for man’s redemption. From this point we see the tempter’s veritable arsenal in which are hanging his cruel, sharp and strong weapons. Unfortunately they seldom seem to miss their mark when wielded by his evil hand. Yet, from this passage we also see the portals of heaven open through God’s grace. Our heavenly Father is mindful of His children’s needs. There is a scarlet cord of blood Page 39
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