sinned they lost that radiant cover ing. Rea li z ing their nakedness, they were convicted of their own sin. They were aware that to stand in the presence of God they had to have a covering. So, they sewed fig leaves together, making themselves aprons. They failed to realize that sin is something inside of a person. Although it could be covered outwardly by their own works and efforts, it still remained within them, and Adam and Eve were also confused. Sin distorted for them their whole concept of the nature of God. They now crouched in fear, awaiting their penalties. They forgot that God is love. Although He will never countenance sin, He will always love the sinner. God called, “Where art thou?” In omniscience He knew their exact location, but He intended that they should cry out to reveal their hopeless condition. (Notice who it is who takes the first step towards sinners.) Man, by nature, apart from the Holy Spirit, will never turn to God for reconciliation. Salvation is the work of the Holy Spirit. God finally asks, “ Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?” If our first parents would only have confessed their sin. The first thing Adam did was to blame Eve and cast aspersions on the will of God. Such is the case with almost all sin. How we need always to be on guard, knowing that Satan, seeks whom He may devour. It is evident from conditions we see all about us that the devil operates through people, governments, nations, and systems. We have pointed out that
man is a free moral agent capable of choosing right from wrong. Because of Satan using the serpent it was cursed above the cattle and every beast of the field (Genesis 3:14). This creature is to bear a perpetual brand of reproach, being looked upon as vile and despicable. God saw beyond the serpent to the deceiver within (Revelation 20:2). Satan was immediately cursed because he had already been convicted of rebellion against the Lord (Isaiah 14:12-14). He fell from his position as Lucifer. He had been a chief angel of heaven. The devil had questioned Eve about the truth of God’s Word (Genesis 3:1-4). He planted the seed of doubt in her mind. When it took root Eve was on her way to sin. This is exactly the same way he works today. Satan reflected on the goodness and love of God (Genesis 3:5). He implied that the Lord was withholding good things that should have been given to them. According to I John 2:16 three things constitute the world. They are “ the lust of the flesh” (sensualism) “ the lust of the eyes” (materialism) and “ the pride of life” (egotism). Eve was tempted with these particular factors. She saw that the tree was good for food. Then, that it was pleasant to the eyes. And finally, it was “ a tree to be desired to make one wise” . God placed a curse as a result on Adam and Eve, as well as the very soil of the earth (3:16-19). They received a sentence carrying the penalty of death. They were not cursed in he same manner as the devil. There was for them hope for mercy and reconciliation. The Lord provided a sacrificial Page 41
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