Yet there is a wonderful promise of God in all of this (Genesis 3:15). In this picture we see the beginning of conflict between “ the seed of God” , Christ, and the devil. There is given the promise of a Redeemer. The shedding of Christ’s blood would cover the sin of all mankind. God promised the doom of Satan. Satan would be judged once and for all on Calvary’s cross. His doom was made certain by the shed blood. Satan is a personality. Such offices as those ascribed to him in the Bible require this. The ideas that he expresses come from a thinker. The plans he executes call for an expert designer. Satan believes the whole Word of God but he does everything in his power to prevent men from accepting it (James 2:1). Sinful man never has and never will seek God of his own volition. He must always be sought out by the Lord. This is what happened in the Garden of Eden. Eden in Hebrew means “ pleasantness” . For many centuries the human race has tried to find this garden of delight. Scientists, historians, explorers, archeologists and students of many lands have searched in vain for it. Since God reckons geographical directions from Jerusalen as the center, the garden would be eastward. This is the locality where the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers are located. Most students believe that it might be somewhere near the head of the Persian Gulf. In Abraham’s day the gulf extended inward as far as
substitute to die in their place. The animal was slain as a type of Christ who was yet to come. The innocent blood was shed as an atonement for their sin. Woman was also placed in subjection to her husband. In the establishment of the home there must be a headship and the woman, according to the Bible, is to take the lesser place of the two. Adam was sentenced to a life of toil, sweat and hardship. His body would now know exhaustion. His mind would become burdened with care. By sinning he earned the wages of sin, even death (Romans 6:23).
The back of the student union has a patio area for students to eat lunch outside (when the weather cooperates!)
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