was born. This will be our next, lesson in “ The Conflict of the Ages.” In the very first book of the Bible God gives us two important and significant promises. The first was that Satan would be finally overcome. The second was the promise that lesus Christ, the promised Seed, would be the final Victor. The devil has worked against the Hebrew race, against kings, leaders and individuals, afflicting people in order to thwart the purposes of Almightly God. We must know how he operates in order to be better prepared to drop to our knees in prayer for victory over the foe. Satan always attacks worshippers of the Lord. In Genesis 6:1-8 we recognize that the devil is working in an effort to disannul God’s promises so that man will not really believe them. Scripture tells us that man began to multiply on the earth. There were ten generations from Adam to Noah with men living to the age of eight or nine hundred years. When Cain was banished the population was already quite numerous. We read that he went to the land of Nod where he built a city. Now, one cannot build a city by himself. There had to be others. There were perfect factors for increased population. With virgin soil there was unexcelled climatic conditions and a low mortality rate. Cain’s descendants rose from their status of nomads and started diversified vocations. They became rich herdsmen, gay minstrels, skilled artesans and building engineers. Yet God saw that the wickedness of man was great (Genesis 6). Every
imagination of their heart was evil continually. Only those of the line of Seth appeared to be godly. Yet, by Satan’s subtlety even they were infiltrated by evil. The devil planned to so pollute its women that none would be able to bring forth the Seed, Christ the Saviour. He used the evil weapon of beauty to form an unnatural and unholy union between angels and human beings. This, some theologians believe, culminated in a race of hybrids or giants. There is no possible explanation for this except to see the constant conflict which raged. The longsuffering of God could no longer endure such wickedness. Mankind must be punished. To the faithful, Noah and Enoch, He revealed His impending judgment. These began to prepare for the coming watery flood. As to Enoch (Genesis 5:22-24) his life fell into three unequal parts. The first was 65 years of normal existence before it was radically changed by a revelation from God. This happened when his son was born. For the next 300 years he walked with God. The last section is composed of endless years because he was not, for the Lord took him home without having him pass through the portals of human death. Enoch typifies the Christian whose life is suddenly changed by a message from God. Henceforth he walks with the Lord until such time as he is called home to enjoy the presence of God forever and ever. Noah also walked with the Lord. He was just and perfect in the eyes of God. What a commendation for one who lived in an age of violence, degradation and sensuality. When the windows Page 45
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