need for a rainbow in cloudless skies. The sign of God’s promise always comes with the clouds of distress. In Genesis 11:1-4 we see the next conflict. The whole earth was of one language and speech. The people, in their pride, decided to build a monument to their own genius, seeking again to rule God out of their lives. You see, the devil himself always incites the human race to rebel against the Lord. The three sons of Noah had been blessed by God. The devil was careful to note, however, that Noah had cursed his grandson,
of heaven were opened in judgment it was not his righteousness that saved him and his family. These all escaped because they had faith to believe that God would promise a coming Redeemer. Their faith was rather in Him. The devil had failed to reckon with a righteous man faithful to God. Whep the water began to subside Noah was found faithful in his worship. His first act was to build an altar and sacrifice unto the Lord. God made a covenant with Noah which was sealed with a rainbow of promise. There is no
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