Canaan. This family, unprotected by God’s blessing and grace, was carefully watched by the evil one. He selected Nimrod, the nephew of Cain, who was the grandson of Ham, one of the sons of Noah. Nimrod was not only a mighty hunter (Genesis 6:11) but he was a hunter of men as well. As a great ruler his kingdom began in Babylon. The devil was pleased to find someone who could wield a weapon of force against God’s people. This tower was not erected for God’s glory. We find that the Lord moves in judgment against the human race (Genesis
11:5-9). God is a jealous God. He will not tolerate idolatry or the worship of others. In verse 7 we see the Lord speaking to the other members of the Trinity in a decision to go down and bring confusion and destruction. Idolatry began in Babylon. Scripture recognizes this as the seat of all such abominable rebellions against the knowledge of God (Revelation 17:5). It was at this time that men lost the ability to communicate with one another. The devil was dealt a serious blow. Actually, however, he was able to salvage considerable from the activity of Nimrod, the ruthless rulers among the human race. God is indeed a God of mercy and love, but He will not tolerate idolatry or rebellion against Himself. There is only one basis upon which we can approach the Lord who is infinitely holy and that is through the shed blood of our perfect Substitute, Jesus Christ. As you believe in Him by faith, you are released from your sins and washed by His precious blood, becoming a child of God. Across the ages and until Jesus Christ comes again and eternity is ushered in, there is going to be a constant conflict between the forces of evil and the forces of righteousness. The devil is against God and His people. In Genesis 3:15, we have the promise of Jesus Christ who is the Seed of the woman who triumphs over the evil one. The godly line, through which the Saviour is to come, was under constant attack. On the Page 47 SATAN A TTACKS ABRAHAM
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