after his father’s death did Abraham continue his journey to Canaan. For about a century he lived in flimsy tents made of camel’s hair. He built altars which stood as silent witnesses to the will and guidance of God. In Chapter 16 there is the attempt of Satan to thwart God’s plan. Those involved in the drama are Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac. Several times the devil tried to confuse Abraham’s life. Instead of waiting for God, the patriarch tried to disentangle the snarl himself. Like us, however, his best was so imperfect that the conditions always worsened. Only God could eventually bring order out of choas. These difficulties occurred when Abraham failed to follow God’s clear and explicit directions. (The same is true with us today.) The Lord desired to separate Abraham for Himself. He was to be the father of God’s chosen people and the freeholder to the land of promise. Satan sought to break down Abraham’s faith in the Lord (Genesis 16:1-6). Since no children had come from the union of Abraham and Sarah, God’s servant went in to his wife’s handmaid, Hagar by name, and she conceived a son. Although it was Sarah’s idea originally, because of the course of events she became upset with Hagar’s treatment of her. Finally, the woman and Ishmael her son, were driven away. The attacks by the devil were coming from within Abraham’s own household. No doubt, as was the custom of that day, Sarah had signed an agreement to bear her husband children. She was bowed down
cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ crushed the serpent’s head. Satan is already a defeated foe! The next picture we have in the panorama of time is Abraham’s household through whom Jesus Christ ultimately was to come. He was to be of the seed of David, according to His father Abraham. How the devil tried to prevent Christ from coming into the world in order to give His life as a sacrifice for us. Beginning with Genesis 1 :26 we find the account of the great patriarch Abraham which continues through 25:11. During the 400 years after the flood men migrated wherever they choose. In that day the leading city was Ur, a seaport on the Euphrates River in the land of Babylonia. (It is where Iran and Iraq are now located.) It had been bui l t by the idolatrous descendants of Ham who later went South to Egypt. Later the Shemites also dwelt there. Their faith, although originally pure, became tainted by idolatry. The people worshipped the elements of nature and particularly the moon. Young Abraham or Abram as he was known then, suffered bitter persecution for his godly convictions. His father was in idolatry while he was faithful to the one true God. He was in tune with the Lord so that he heard His voice, “ Get thee out of the country.” His migration, trusting completely the word of Jehovah, brought him to what is now known as Israel. Though he was an elderly man, Terah assumed his rightful position at the head of the caravan. When they reached Haran the journey stopped. This was just north of the promised land. Only Page 48
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