with disappointment and grief. Both seemed to forget that Abraham had been pledged that he would be the father of a great nation (Romans 4:16, 17). Satan no doubt reminded Sarah of the governing code of laws which allowed a man to receive from his wife a second woman for the purpose of bearing his children. She seemed to feel that she was justified in obtaining a child according to the prevailing custom. Unfortunately this was not God’s will and the world to this very hour is suffering from the effects of that foolish and fatal decision. The devil is desperately busy trying to set aside what God attempts to do. His ways are very subtle and devious. Christ has been his ultimate object. Not being able to stop the Lord’s death for us on Calvary, his primary thrust is now against believers. From the start of man’s history we have seen the evil one’s attack against the royal line. With Abraham taking things into his own hands, Ishmael is born of the Egyptian woman Hagar not in accordance with God’s will. The bond woman was driven out into the wilderness where God encourages her (Genesis 17:7-14). She could flee Abraham’s tents and Sarah’s anger, but could never get away from God. Here the angel of the Lord promised that her seed would be multiplied exceedingly. Ishmael was prophesied to be a wild man with his hand against every man. Abraham was 86 when the child was born. The one who spoke to her, we believe, was none other than Christ, in one of His pre-incarnate appearances. (These
are known as theophanies.) He is always the Burden-bearer. All of this was the devil’s attempt to disannul the line of Isaac through which the Saviour would ultimately come. Four years later, when Abram was 90, the Lord appeared to him again. The covenant promise is restated. For 13 long years Abraham had waited, longed and prayed for renewed fellowship with the Lord. There is no sign of recognition until we come to Genesis 17:1. The silence is broken with, “ I am the Almighty God.” This brought assurance to his heart as to the sovereignty and supremacy of God. He would be true to His promises. As long as the child of God lives the life of a pilgrim, building the altars of worship for the Lord, Satan has less opportunity to attack him. His big chance comes when we settle down contentedly with the status quo. It is one thing to commit our ways unto the Lord, but it is another to trust also wholly in Him. To obey God is the highest economy of time. To walk with God on the path of separation is to cut loose from all self-effort. The masterpiece of the devil’s ensnarement is to convince Christians that our carnal nature is now dead. This is not true (Galatians 2:20). In this promise of Abraham, we see how Satan tries again and again to thwart the eterrial purposes of God. The next person of significance to whom Satan makes his definite appearance is Jacob beginning with Chapter 27. Again the attempt is to keep Christ from coming into the world. Looking at this Old Testament figure gives us a good lesson today about the Page 49
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