Voices of RPIA - 2022

Voices of RPIA


In Our Community


The RPIA ACE Program stands for Academic & Community Empowerment and aims to provide a wealth of opportunities to disenfranchised groups either through academic or community driven initiatives. The program will focus on supporting the next generation of leaders in Canada through a variety of programs including scholarships, internships, mentorship, and financial literacy. As a firm, we are committed to empowering and nurturing the unlimited potential in our community. The RPIA ACE Scholarship in Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto RPIA has pledged $5,000 CAD per year for a non-renewable expendable scholarship for an upper year student in the Rotman Commerce Program who self-identifies as either Black or Indigenous to Canada and maintains good academic standing. Although not required, preference is given to students with an interest and/or completed coursework in Finance.

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