King's Business - 1969-10

bership does not signify unusual ma­ turity and commitment.” The meaning and usage of small groups within the church are given a concise but fair and meaningful treatment. Many of the suggestions are sound and expressed well. Not all will agree with Mr. Noyce’s evalu­ ation or suggested alternatives, and at times it would have been of help to have terms defined in more detail. There are certain expressions or thoughts that could have meaning read into them which could leave one with the question “Just what is meant here and where does the au­ thor stand?” This is an interesting work and worth reading but more than that worth discussing and hold­ ing as a mirror to one’s own church to capture the reflection.—128 pages; cloth; Westminster Press, Philadel­ phia; $3.95. — Reviewed by H. Nor­ man Wright. CONTEMPORARY COMMENTARIES (The Gospel Ac­ cording to Mark) by Richard Wolff. 137 pages; paper; Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, III.; $1.95. In a new method of presentation, as well as in a current method of communication, the au­ thor, who Is president of the International Christian Broadcasters, deals with this most important portion of God's Word concerning Christ, the Son of man. WANDERERS, SLAVES, AND KINGS by Manford George Gutzke. 168 pages; paper; Regal Books, Glendale, Calif.; $.95. The voice of "The Bible for You" daily radio programs presents a series of personal Bible studies designed for dally devo- tionals. The concise chapters revolve around great personalities of Old Testament history. SPIRITUAL MATURITY by 1. Oswald Sanders. 192 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $.75. Taken from an earlier hard cover edition of 1962, the material shows the reason why Christians should grow in the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Perseverance, discipline, and ultimate compensa­ tions are revealed from a close study of God's Word. DRIVEN AFAR by Betty Swinford. 159 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $1.35. First pub­ lished in 1965, the current edition contains two Christian fiction stories based upon the activities of young people. One involves a jungle airplane crash while the other is involved with the problems of a maladjusted child. HOW FAR CAN I GO! by Larry Richards. 159 pages,- paper,- Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $1.95. The author seeks to deal with contemporary prob­ lems in what he feels is a "point blank" method. Doubtless this edition would be helpful to place in the hands of teenagers or used by those working with young people. INTRIGUE IN SANTO DOMINGO by James Hefley. 184 pages; doth; Word Books, Waco, Tex.; $3.95. Sensing the tremendous influence of American mis­ sionary Howard Shoemake in the Dominican Republic, the author traces the steps of this modern day am­ bassador of the cross through a life of active service, medicine, radio, church, civil defense, education, welfare, and community projects. BOOK ENDS______ (A Review of Current Publications)

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