GWO Basic Safety Training Online Partial Refresher

Basic safety training partial online refresher V01

7.3 Knowledge

Level Action verb

Expected behaviour



Memory of facts, terminology, rules, sequences, procedures etc.



Remember short lists (e.g. contents of a rescue kit)



Demonstrating understanding of a topic.



Actively participates in discussions

Specific examples


The instructor should present the topic at a basic, introductory level. This could be, for example, presenting the terminology used for a type of equipment, or a simple set of rules for an activity. The participant can answer simple questions about the topic, this could be by answering multiple choice questions. The instructor should present the topic at a more advanced level. This could be, for example, an explanation of how a piece of equipment or a tool works. The participant can answer in-depth questions about the topic, this could be by answering short answer questions or open questions posed by the instructor. The instructor should initiate a group discussion by asking an open question to the group and inviting the group to discuss the question. The instructor should ensure that all the group are actively engaged in the discussion. The participant will actively participate in the group discussion offering input and questioning input from other group members



Table 7-3 - GWO levels, action verbs & expected outcomes in the learning domain of knowledge

7.4 Skill

Level Action verb

Expected behaviour



Carry out tasks from verbal or written instructions.

3 Demonstrate To be able to demonstrate an ability to perform a task with minimal or without verbal or written instructions.



Demonstrating understanding of a topic.

Specific examples


The instructor should explain the activity and give the delegates the required work instructions to be able to perform the activity. The participant can perform a task by following a set of written instructions. The instructor must demonstrate the activity and provide support to the delegate to enable them to be able to demonstrate the ability to complete the activity. The participant can perform a task with minimal or no support form a document or the instructor.



The participant can use knowledge gained during theoretical or practical training on a similar type of equipment.

Table 7-4 - GWO levels, action verbs & expected outcomes in the learning domain of skill

Global Wind Organisation

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