BSTR-P Fire awarness partial online refresher V01
Show examples of and explain common fixed fire extinguisher systems found in wind turbines including the risks associated with these systems and the requirements for special training for entering wind turbines where fixed systems have been installed
20 min.
The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risks of injury arising from a fire by refreshing and building upon the participants attitude and knowledge about common firefighting equipment found in a wind turbine aiming to enable them to use this equipment efficiently and without the risk of injuries.
To successfully complete this lesson each course participant shall be able to:
Value the importance of and explain how to carry out a pre-use inspection of various firefighting equipment focusing on equipment found in a wind turbine. (L3 – Attitude) and (L2 - Knowledge) Value the importance of safe distances and explain the safe, correct and efficient use of various firefighting equipment with emphasis on equipment found in a wind turbine. (L3 – Attitude) and (L2 - Knowledge) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various firefighting equipment with emphasis on equipment found in a wind turbine (L2 - Knowledge)
The instructor shall:
Lead a discussion about the importance of formal and pre-use inspections of firefighting equipment in a wind turbine Explain the importance of carrying out a pre-use inspection of firefighting equipment in the area of the wind turbine where the participant will be working Demonstrate how to perform a pre-use inspection of fire extinguishers focusing on the similarities and differences in design and functionality between different types and products and covering the following:
a. Markings and labels
b. Extinguishing media
c. Absence of significant damage
d. Contents as indicated on the gauge
e. Condition of hoses and accessories
Global Wind Organisation
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