GWO Basic Safety Training Online Partial Refresher

BSTR-P - Working at height partial online refresher V01

12.5 Detailed description of the BSTR-P Working at heights module

The learning outcomes specified for this BSTR-P Working at heights module are:


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to introduce the course participants to the course, each other, the virtual classroom and what is expected of them during the course.

To successfully complete this lesson of the module each course participant shall be able to:

Describe how the training will be managed and their expected interactions

Recognize who the instructor and other participants are

Describe the aims, objectives and agenda of the training

Explain the importance and relevance of this training and their own expectations for the course

Explain how they will be assessed during this training


The instructor shall:

Explain how the online training session will be managed, covering:

a. Instructor and participant interactions

b. Questions and answers

c. Participant demonstrations


The instructor shall:

Ensure that all course participants are registered with WINDA profile and have provided their WINDA ID number prior to completing the training course.

Give a short introduction, including their backgrounds as instructors

Each course participant shall:

Give a short introduction, including:

a. Their job functions

b. Onshore or offshore experience

c. Length of employment in the wind industry

Global Wind Organisation

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