JT: Right. C: But they used to have a party at The Slide, where, it was when flu shots first came out, when people were really, first getting flu shots. And it was like, everybody was like, ‘Get your flu shots!’ and this filthy party person I know, Daniel, had a party at The Slide, and all of the Go-Go boys were all dancing on the bar, they’d be standing on the bar dancing, and they’d say, ‘go to the bar and get your flu shot.’ And the dancers would squat down, and they would take their foreskin and they would pull it up, the bartender would pour the vodka shot into the foreskin, and you would suck it out of their dick. DD: No way. JT: Oh my God. C: And they were calling those flu shots. I never did it. DD: No! In here? On Bowery they were doing it? C: On Bowery at this bar called The Slide. It’s gone now. DD: Shit, man that’s hardcore. C: It was crazy. And vodka’s disinfectant! JT: Right, haha DD: Oh, so you have no fear doing that. C: So maybe, I don’t know, but that was the big thing at that party. DD: We should do that at our Christmas Party Juergen, we invite people, C: Get some friends, and like really DD: And like, ‘Oh this special part of the night will be flu shots!’ C: Oh no, you can get your boosters now, your Covid boosters. DD: *laughing Oh my God. C: And just have that shit. Have some very beautifully hung, you know, uncircumcised men. Go to town.That’d be a photo shoot! JT: Oh yeah. C: That would be a hell of a photo shoot. DD: I mean, can you imagine? I wonder how many takers would be there. Or Givers. Givers or takers! C:Yeah, you could also go to the, if you showed the DJ your dick, he would take a polaroid picture of it, and you’d get a free shot. *JT laughs C: And I showed it every...haha. I was wondering who had all of those polariods, that would be an amazing book! JT: Right. C: Because they would only shoot your crotch. JT: Yes. C: No face, no nothing. And anyone who wanted to get their free shot – and not the flu shot, just a shot–could do that. DD: Oh my God. Jeffrey Dahmer has all your pictures. JT: Did you ever meet Iggy Pop? C: No, I want to. Many people say that the Christeene shows remind them of Iggy Pop.With the band. JT: Yeah. DD: Nice. C: And that man, anyone like, who has that stamina and that very strange chemical make-up that they can look like he does, it’s very amazing. JT: It is. C: Have you met him? JT: Yes. C:What’d you do with him? JT: In Miami, photographed him. C:You did? JT: Yes. C: Doesn’t he have a parrot, or something? JT: Yes. C: He’s a bird person. JT: Yes, yes. DD: Oh my God, check this out. JT: Like a crazy parrot. Oh my God. DD: So, we had a very crazy situation to begin with, because of my fault, like literally for the first time we were late to the shoot. C: Uh huh JT: And we flew to Miami and photographed him, right? I was
super excited, super nervous. DD: And I somehow, it was like, misread email, whatever, and we were like 90 minutes late. I was like oh my God, I’m gonna fucking, I hope the earth opens and I will go and like it closes over my head. Anyway, so when I’m in that situation, I’m like listen, totally my fault, the manager was there I’m like “very nice to meet you, totally my fault”, but then I can’t really be, as maybe, open and you know, like I’m more in the background. So, Juergen photographing him and I’m like holding Iggy’s, he was wearing some sort of a gown, like an evening robe sort of a thing. C: Yeah. DD: So, I’m holding the back of it to help Juergen, and Iggy’s here and Juergen is here, and Juergen goes “So Iggy, how are your parrots?” JT: No, no, no, let me, let me. He was like, first of all, we came into the house, which is his man cave down in Florida, and uh... C: Does he live in Florida? JT: Yes, in Miami. C: Holy shit. JT: Yes, and he lies on the sofa, and then the first thing he says to us, he says ‘I’ve never waited for anyone for 90 minutes.’ DD: Oh my God. C: But did he say it mean, or just like? JT: No, not mean. He just said it matter of fact. And he just DD: I wanted to die, I really wanted to die. I mean, I’m never late, I don’t know, like totally, like things went wrong and you don’t know why they went wrong. Do you know what I mean? C: Yeah. DD: So it was very elegant of him to you know, to take it like that, and his manager was very super cool also. JT: And then he showed us all the house, all his memorabilia, all the kind of guitars, all the sort of like funny artworks, and stuff like that. DD: Great man cave. JT: Like a crazy man cave. Like this whole house was a crazy man cave. DD: A bungalow. JT: And then there was a picture, of him on stage. Everywhere there were pictures of him, right. And then there was another picture in a frame of his parents. C: Mhmm DD: Mum and Dad. JT: Mum and Dad, right. So, he was explaining, you know, about mum and dad, and blah blah blah, and then we go out to this crazy garden, and there’s like these ducks walking by, and there’s a little river, and then I said to him, because his hearing is not very well, right? C: Uh huh. says ‘It’s okay. You’re here now. Let’s do it.’ DD: Oh my God, it was so elegant of him. JT: And I was like, ‘Oh, my God.’ DD: So Juergen is here, Iggy’s here, I’m behind Iggy sort of helping with the outfit, and Juergen goes, ‘How are your par- rots?’ and Iggy hears, ‘How are your parents?’ C: No! DD: And I’m standing behind and I know that I would say something otherwise, but because I fucked it up, I can’t really say anything. And then Juergen is like ‘How are your parrots?’ and Iggy’s like, ‘What?! They’re dead!’ JT: And he was like to me, ‘They would be, they would be 128 now!’ He looked at me like I’m fucking crazy! DD: And then Juergen doesn’t say anything either because he’s like also sort of flabbergasted, and I’m standing there like, ‘Oh my God, this is like so...’ JT: So, I didn’t have the nerve to say, ‘No, not parents, parrots! Birds!’ DD: Like, birds! C: You fucking didn’t correct him? He must have thought y’all were crazy fucking people! *JT + DD laugh
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