NIGA Board Meeting Material

• Not less than $500 million for necessary expenses for testing, contact tracing, surveillance, containment, and mitigation including support for workforce, epidemiology, use by employers, elementary and secondary schools, childcare facilities, institutions of higher education, long-term care facilities, or in other settings. • $1.5 billion for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which includes tribal and non-tribal recipients. Education • Education Stabilization Fund: o $525 million set aside for the Bureau of Indian Education. o $227.6 million set aside for Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions, and Native American Serving Non-tribal Institutions. Violence Against Women • $6.5 million (ten percent tribal set-aside of $65 million) for the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act. Child Welfare • $5 billion for the Child Care Development Block Grant. • $75 million for child welfare services under title IV-B subpart 1 of the Social Security Act. Homeland Security and Emergency Services • $930 million for Federal Assistance under the Federal Emergency Management Agency. • $365 million for assistance to firefighter grants. • $365 million for staffing for adequate fire and emergency response grants. • $200 million for the emergency food and shelter program. Environment & Natural Resources • $500 million for Fisheries Disaster Assistance.


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