What is Google My Business_ And How to Use It

The reason? Google created something where small and medium-sized businesses could compete on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) with much larger businesses and corporations... on the first page! Let’s throw another statistic in here, roughly 75% of clicks go to the first page on Google’s SERPs. That means business leads! If you aren’t on the first page when a person is searching for services or prod- ucts like yours, then you’ve got a lot of catching up to do. But enough of why you should be on Google’s first page, let’s talk about what exactly Google My Busi- ness is and why you should care about it for your local SEO (search engine optimization) strategies. What is Google My Business? “Finally! Now I can understand what Google My Business is and become a pro!” Oh yes, we will be talking about Google My Business and how you can become a master of it with these 5 simple steps for only $99.99 per month! <- That’s a joke. Please stay calm as we’re not expecting you to hand us cash to learn about Google My Business, it’s a free tool after all. If you continue reading, you’ll be able to gain best practice knowledge when working with Google My Business.

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