2021 Mums Grower Success Guide | North America

Coastal California Recommendations


Resp. Aug

Resp. Oct

Purple- Dark Pink


Pots For Sale In






Aideen ™ Red Fire Tabitha ™ Scarlet

Ursula ™ Fancy Orange Ursula ™ Jazzy Coral

Edith ™ White Bertha ™ White

Ursula ™ Group

7.5 Weeks

6.5 Weeks Sm Aug/Sep Ursula

™ Sunny Yellow

Ursula ™ Lavender

Gigi ™ Yellow Gigi ™ Gold

Gigi ™ Group

8.5 Weeks

7 Weeks Sm Aug/Sep

Gigi ™ Orange

Aideen ™ Red Fire

Gigi ™ Dark Pink Gigi ™ Coral

Gigi ™ Snow

Cheryl ™

Cheryl ™ Sparkling Yellow Cheryl ™ Golden

Cheryl ™ Group

10.5 Weeks

7.5 Weeks

Sm/ Med Sep/Oct

Cheryl ™ Regal Purple

Cheryl ™ Pink Imp. Cheryl

Jolly Red Selena ™ Red

Cheryl ™ Spicy Orange

™ Frosty White

Wanda ™ / Wilma ™ Group

Wanda ™ Purple Veronica ™ Dark Pink

Wilma ™ Yellow Elena ™ Gold

Wanda ™ Bronze Tina ™ Gold

Wanda ™ Red Mila ™ Red

Makenzie ™ White Wilma ™ White

8.5 Weeks

7 Weeks Med

Aug/ Sep/Oct

Wanda ™ Lavender

Nikki ™ Orange Nikki ™ Bronze

Katie ™ White Nikki ™ Pearl

Nikki ™ Group

9 Weeks

7.5 Weeks Med

Aug/ Sep/Oct

™ Yellow

Christina ™ Red

Nikki ™ Dark Pink Nikki ™ Pink Bicolor


Hannah ™ Orange Beverly ™ Bronze

Chelsey ™ Yellow Dawn ™ Yellow

Hestia ™ Hot Red Danielle ™ Red

Chelsey ™ Pink Chelsey ™ Coral

Chelsey ™ Group

8.5 Weeks

7 Weeks Med

Aug/ Sep/Oct

Daniella ™ Purple

Chelsey ™ White

Ursula ™ Sunny Yellow Tanya ™ Yellow

Early Large Pots

Hannah ™ Orange Electra ™ Amber

5.5 Weeks

6 Weeks Lg Aug/Sep

Aideen ™ Red Fire

Ursula ™ Lavender

Bertha ™ White

Chelsey ™ Yellow Beverly ™ Gold

Beverly ™ Bronze Wanda ™ Bronze

Chelsey ™ Pink Chelsey ™ Coral

Regular Large Pots

7 Weeks

6.5 Weeks Lg

Aug/ Sep/Oct

Wanda ™ Red

Wanda ™ Purple

Chelsey ™ White

Nikki ™ Orange Nikki ™ Bronze

Katie ™ White Nikki ™ Pearl

Late Large Pots

8.5 Weeks

7.5 Weeks Lg Sep/Oct

™ Yellow

Christina ™ Red

Nikki ™ Dark Pink Nikki ™ Pink Bicolor


Late Large Pots

8.5 Weeks

7.5 Weeks Lg Sep/Oct

™ Jolly Red

Cheryl ™ Regal Purple

Cheryl ™ Pink Imp. Mildred

™ Golden

Cheryl ™ Spicy Orange Cheryl

™ White


Demi ™ Pink

8 Weeks

7 Weeks

Sm/ Med

Aug/ Sep/Oct


™ Dark Pink

™ Gold

Bonnie ™ Red

Edith ™ White


Tracy ™ Orange


™ Red

9 Weeks

7.5 Weeks

Sm/ Med

Aug/ Sep/Oct

™ Dazzling Orange Rihanna

Stacy ™ Pink

Vanna ™ Snow


Groups listed in order of vigor from most compact to most vigorous and then the daises


Will likely flower a bit slower than the rest of the varieties in this group Will likely need additional growth regulators than other varieties in this group Likely need fewer growth regulators than other varieties in this group

Best with a net in large containers For late season crops only

Response listed is for plants between stage 2 and 3. Plan to ship about 1 week earlier.

G R O W E R S U C C E S S G U I D E | G A R D E N M U M S


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