What is the Flowering Response?
In all of our variety charts and technical tables, Syngenta Flowers notes a flowering response for each garden mum
variety. These weeks or timing suggestions for blackcloth and natural season production have been collected
from extensive trialing over many years throughout the United Starts and Canada. We use Stage 2 as our official
flowering date, as shown in the photo below on the right. Most wholesale growers would consider this stage too
advanced or open for retail, and prefer to ship mums when “cracking color”, or at Stage 1 as shown in the photo to
the left. This timing can be achieved by planning the production finish date 7–10 days prior to our posted flowering
response date for the variety.
S TA G E 2
S TA G E 1
"Crack Color Week"
"Response Week"
Bud Color Typical Wholesale Ship Stage
Some Fresh Flowers Approx. 50% Open Stage
Ideal for Wholesale Grower
Source: Trial in Monroeville, New Jersey, 2013
G R O W E R S U C C E S S G U I D E | G A R D E N M U M S
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