Infinite Painter 7.1 iOS Reference Manual


HSB color space Hue-Saturation-Brightness

HSB/HSV* color dimensions

White is at the center of the top surface (any Hue, 0% Saturation 100% Brightness)

Pure, saturated colors are on the upper rim

(100% Saturation 100% Brightness)

Each color is described by three numbers

for example " H 0 ° , S 61, B 66" describes this color:

180 °

You can define any HSB color numerically using the sliders in the color panel. See page 119.

0 °

Black is at the center of the bottom surface (any Hue,

0% Saturation 0% Brightness)

270 °

HSB color space projects each RGB color onto a three-dimensional cylinder space. Each color is defined here by three values: Hue, Saturation and Brightness. Hue is usually given in degrees (0-359 ° ), Saturation and Brightness in percent (0-100) HSB is a remapping of full RGB color space, however it can code only 3,600,000 distinct colors. *HSB color space is often referred to as HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value). This is mainly to avoid confusion with "RGB" color space by not using "B" in the name. HSV and HSB are the same model.

However way easier is to use the HSB color wheel See page 109

Note that HSL (Hue-Saturation-Luminance) model is very different from HSB/HSV.

Infinite Painter’s Manual

ref: manual_studio_color_hsb

Studio • Color • Page 108

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