Installation and uninstallation of Infinite Painter Get the app and use it well
Infinite Painter can be installed only from the Apple App Store®
Tap the “Get” button Infinite Painter will be installed on your device. Enjoy.
Open the App Store® application on your Apple® device and find Infinite Painter app.
If you purchase the full version, you will be entitled to use it on any number of Apple® devices, provided you are using the same Apple ID on each device.
If you one day decide to delete ( uninstall) Infinite Painter from your device, make sure to backup all your projects , custom brushes and other assets beforehand. Apple® iOS and iPadOS® systems delete all data connected to an application when you uninstall it. Infinite Painter projects (your artworks) will be erased too, without much warning.
Infinite Painter in version 7 stores your artwork only locally, on your device and doesn't do any automatic backup to a cloud service or elsewhere. You have to export (share) your projects manually to have them stored outside your device. Learn more about project management on page 419
Infinite Painter’s Manual
ref: manual_intro_overview_installation
General Concepts • Page 11
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