LAB color sliders The absolute color.
LAB (CIE L*a*b*) is the most scientific color coding.
Color panel in LAB input view
LAB color model
LAB color sliders:
L* (black to white)
L* = luminance a* = green-red component b* = blue-yellow component
Learn more about Lab color space on page 110
b* (blue to yellow)
a* (green to red)
You can use the LAB sliders to precisely adjust the color as they are actually quite intuitive dimensions
More about the color panel on page 119
color brightness (black-to-white) color tint (green-to-red/magenta) color temperature (blue-to-yellow/orange)
Note that all input methods in color panels are synchronized All affect the same main color sample
Infinite Painter’s Manual
ref: manual_studio_color_panel_sliders_lab
Studio • Color • Page 134
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