Hexadecimal color coding Not only for the Web.
Hexadecimal color encoding is widely used in web design but also is a convenient method of copying colors between applications.
Color panel (in RGB input view)
Hex color description is just RGB color but in hexadecimal format
You can copy the hex number of the current color from the numerical field, or type in your own values.
FF0000 #
Of course you can also paste a number copied from a third party application.
Red FF = 255
Green 00 = 0
Blue 00 = 0
#FF0000 = R 255, G 0, B 0
More about the color panel on page 119
Each channel is described with a two-digit hex number, from 00 (zero) to FF (255)
Tip: You can paste the hex code to the input field with the leading hash sign ( # ) too. The program will understand.
Infinite Painter’s Manual
ref: manual_studio_color_panel_hex
Studio • Color • Page 136
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